
Community management of which you are the hero!

Today, AI leads more than one to reflect on its impact on the stability of certain jobs. If we observe the craft for a century, we have the Tornado. Among those that have become obsolete and that have become professions sought by both candidates and companies, we tell ourselves that it is better to avoid unnecessary statements about their future.

Community Manager, at the center of all success

Thus, the term “community manager”, which appeared with the advent of Web 2.0 and the introduction of business into social networks, is not very clear. Although its role is simple: to talk about and promote a product on the net, mainly on social networks. But now, one young entrepreneur, starting with barely a few employees, wonders: Is community management necessary? Can we do it ourselves? Decryption of his role and his work. And tips on doing it yourself like a pro.

He is a kind of secret agent on the border of communication and marketing. Permanently installed on the back of your PC or Mac, its mission is simple! Promote your audience on the net and social networks. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, forums… you name it. CM (as it is called in pub) manages the online communities where the company has a presence. He is the human personality of the company in the digital world.

Antoine Bonvoisin, community Manager The program La Tête au Carré on France Inter explains: ” The purpose for me is to federate a community of interests around the object (product) and establish direct dialogue with Internet users. “. Publications are prepared upstream following an editorial grid. He takes care of their distribution, as well as responding to and managing interactions with Internet users. ” But it varies a lot from company to company. “, he adds.

Be close to information, represent but also be accountable

Yasmine Buchène is a Community Manager at An Ad Box. For him, ” Represent the brand to users on social networks and get to know it better has become essential in today’s digital society. And this is a real challenge! since ” You have to be present online often and meet expectations as soon as possible “. In case of important events for the company sometimes you have to cover live or publish at night. One thinks especially of the famous keynote from Apple. But overall explains Antoine Bonvoisin, ” 3 to 4 hours a day » Average is good according to the size of the company.

an increased role in crisis situations

But when CM is most important, these are crisis situationswhere it may be referred to as ” manage communication “. Antoine Bonvoisin saw the chief minister” kinda “Eyes and Ears” of life », who receives comments directly, to whom errors are reported … and who reacts directly to extinguish the fire of a box that could be involved in a scandal.

Yasmine Bouchen remembers that one day, after a football match, sponsor (a foreign mobile phone brand) has been rejected by the public. , It was necessary to respond to various negative comments, the online presence of the brand coincided with the loss of love by the operator. It was also necessary to restore the same image and it was not easy every day. ,

Antoine Bonvoisin also sees some advantages of being a dedicated community manager. He takes care of the documentary clock, and ” He is aware of other organizations’ initiatives on social networks, and can therefore be proactive in innovating on these ,

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