
Mobile App: Definition, Tips and Examples

In today’s connected world, the use of mobile applications is a part of our daily lives. Mobile applications for shopping, sports, learning new languages ​​or even booking cinema tickets, we especially appreciate them for their ability to simplify our daily tasks.

Because it must meet the needs of its users, mobile application development is a complex large-scale project that requires very specific skills.

If you have an idea to develop a mobile application for your brand or your company, we give you the key to understand the peculiarities of its environment. let’s go !

What is mobile app?

We talk about a mobile application when we refer to a program or application software that can be downloaded to a mobile device (tablet or smartphone). When downloaded, it runs through one operating system: iOS for the Apple environment and Android for mobile devices from Samsung, Xiaomi or Google.

Which languages ​​do we use to develop mobile applications?

Depending on the chosen operating system, mobile applications are developed using very specific languages. For applications developed for Android, there is a choice between the following programming languages: Kotlin, Java, C and C++.

A small number but equally popular with mobile developers, the Swift and Objective C programming languages ​​are implemented to make mobile applications work with Apple devices and the iOS operating system.


Note, however, that some mobile applications can be used under multiple operating systems. Then we will talk about a hybrid mobile application, we will explain to you.

What are the different types of mobile applications?

There are different types of mobile applications, depending on the functionality and usage given to them.

native apps

Most of the applications we download on our mobiles today are called Native. The native mobile application is developed for a specific operating system (iOS or Android). They typically use existing features on our mobiles to provide a unique user experience. Their little addition is that the native mobile application can be used offline, which is quite practical when you’re on a plane.

Hybrid Apps

In the mobile application environment, there are also hybrid applications. We use the term “hybrid” because this type of mobile application combines elements of native apps and web apps. Since they are coded from web languages ​​like HTML 5 and JavaScript, they can be downloaded from all mobile platforms and that is what makes them so popular.

web apps

Lastly, the third type of mobile application is related to web apps or in other words, web applications. These are duplicates of websites optimized for use on mobile. To navigate the web app, you use your mobile’s search engine. The weak point of these mobile applications is that they cannot be used offline.

What is the mobile application used for?

Develop awareness of your company or brand

We spend a lot more time browsing on our mobiles than on our computers. In recent years, the number of mobile users has increased. This phenomenon can be explained exclusively by the democratization of access to mobile.

If your goal is to grow your brand or your business on the web, we strongly recommend that you develop a mobile application to increase your chances of being visible to your audience.

Owning an app strengthens your online presence as you would appear on mobile application download platforms such as the Microsoft Store, App Store or Play Store.

Provide your audience with an innovative experience

A mobile application is an excellent tool to provide an immersive experience to its users. This experience also contributes to the growth of your company’s notoriety.

By focusing on your users and optimizing their navigation on your mobile application, you guarantee the success of your application. At the same time, you manage to create value for your company and boost your business’s profitability.

Developing an interface with fun features so that using your app is a real pleasure for your users is a good way to increase your download count.

The ideal tool to retain your customers

We also recommend you to develop a mobile application to retain your customers. Our mobile is that accessory which we always have with us and which we use at any time of the day.

It is very easy to interact, communicate or send information to your users through mobile applications, especially thanks to push notifications. To give you an idea, the response rate for push notifications for e-commerce apps is an average of 27%. (Source:

Why Build a Mobile Application Instead of a Responsive Site?

Send notifications to your users

Push Notifications: 7 KPIs to Monitor

One of the many benefits of a mobile app on a responsive site is the ability to send notifications to users. Notifications are a great marketing tool to remind your users that you are there. Be careful not to misuse it, the risk of upsetting them may end.

Here are two types of frequently used information:

  • Push Notifications: These are targeted to encourage less engaged audiences to open mobile apps;
  • In-app notifications: their role is to guide users when using the mobile application;

For example, push notifications are used when you want to notify your users about promotional offers or upcoming events. As for in-app notifications, they may support gamification elements to improve your users’ experience on your app.

Possibility to monetize your mobile application

The advantage of developing a mobile application for your business is also to monetize it to make it profitable. Indeed, the most recurrent economic model of mobile applications is that of an annual or monthly subscription.

Generally, they all offer a freemium subscription, so you can test the interface for free with little to no access to the app’s features. The idea is that if the user wants to access more features, he can upgrade to a paid offer.

Other mobile applications rent ad inserts to brands or other applications for a remuneration. When an app implements this type of business model, it is already well recognized in its field of activity and has many active users.

How to make mobile application?

Use an agency specializing in mobile application development

With the rise of mobile apps in recent years, several app development agencies have sprung up. For your mobile application development, you can rely on these expert agencies as they bring mastery of mobile application design as well as mobile development languages ​​at your fingertips.

The advantage of these specialized agencies is that they keep abreast of technological developments in the app environment to offer innovative products that convert their customers.

Opt for an independent mobile developer to build your mobile application

For building your mobile application, there is another solution available to you: Freelance Mobile Developer. Its flexibility in project management and its low cost often encourage project leaders to call on its services.

If your choice is a freelance mobile developer, know that the platform puts you in touch with independent developers. To find the rare pearl, all you have to do is post an advertisement on the platform. Based on the answers you receive, you will be able to choose the one that best meets the needs of your project. get started now!

Our tips for building a mobile application

It is an excellent idea to develop a mobile application to increase the reputation of your company and to communicate about its services or products. However, it is also a complex field that requires knowledge of very specific languages.

Before starting any development project, we strongly advise you to ask about your goals by creating a personality. They are the ones you have to attract through the design of your application and its ergonomics.

To ensure development of a quality Mobile Application, call an agency with expertise in this field or just search for the ideal Freelancer at now.

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