
Make a good presentation to your banker

Bank loans are a financing solution widely used by entrepreneurs or project leaders. Well prepared meeting with weak elements can be got only with banker’s approval. More than a question of persuasion, above all making a good pitch comes down to building a relationship of trust with your bank and successfully completing an important step in your financing. Some tips to shine during your presentation.

reveal the cliché

“We only lend to the rich”. However, the relationship between the entrepreneur and his bank is above all a partnership, which must be based on trust. This relationship deserves to be enigmatic: the popular image shows French people with a dislike for their banker, when the latter only wants to support your project by providing proof of its viability. Understanding this reality is the first thing to do before working on your presentation. Put yourself in the place of your interlocutor and imagine yourself as an investor. This will make it easier for you to determine which points to emphasize.

Tell a story

The presentation of your project to a banker should be explained very clearly. In order to create your plan and list the information that should be in the pitch, it’s essential to ask yourself the following questions: Why am I getting into this business? What is my starting point? What are my goals? With what strategy? What are and will be my resources (financial, human and social)? What action should I take? What do I need to get there? Your presentation will only be built around answers, which should be linked in a logical, clear and coherent manner. Be concise and dynamic, a good pitch doesn’t have to be technical or very precise. It comes down to telling a great story to a friend…

be transparent and different

Be transparent with your interlocutor, he will see this as a guarantee of professionalism. Likewise, don’t try to fool your banker by being overly optimistic or lying about your forecast. The data you mention must be justified by a study. In this situation, the form is almost as important as the content, especially the first minutes. It is essential to leave a good impression, a clear and concise presentation is always better. Don’t hesitate to introduce yourself before he explains the project, to make your image complete. The fact of being with your partner, your accountant or a support network clearly works in your favor. If an agreement is reached, your banker will be a partner above all else he or she wants to support the business creators over time. For a banker, a good customer is a long-lasting business.

economic analysis

Business presentation, individual situation, team, etc., as well as the product and its market (region, need/demand, market dimensions and trends, competition, future investments). Then, you must have properly defined the legal structure and distribution of capital of your future company. Don’t forget to present the nature of potential customers and suppliers, and the chosen commercial policy (your way of reaching and communicating to the market). Finally, let’s talk about your means of operation: premises, human and material resources.

financial analysis

Obviously, the bank expects accurate information from you about your business plan and your cash flow plan. Your job is to estimate and calculate the short-term financial position of your business. You should first provide a financial plan that presents your resources (own funds, financial structure and fees, etc.). Then generate a 3-year income statement, which provides information about projected turnover, operating profitability, the way you are meeting your objectives and your self-financing ability. An annual cash flow plan determines the progress of sales and your financing needs in terms of volume and duration. Conclude your pitch by presenting an overall provisional assessment, which puts your project in real condition, studies its validity and calculates your company’s strengths and weaknesses.

9 Tips from Bankers for Entrepreneurs

  • Be transparent, clear, consistent and passionate
  • to inspire confidence
  • Even if you need a bank loan, don’t hesitate to assert your company’s autonomy and financial independence (especially your own funds).
  • Focus on the look of your file and your presentation
  • Be realistic in your business forecasts
  • Don’t underestimate your needs and future needs
  • Equal importance of management as business
  • supporting each other well (allies, partners, networks)
  • Don’t Talk About Rates Too Quickly: Wait for Your Negotiator to Agree

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