
How to guarantee IT security within companies?

The economic and health conditions are prompting companies to adapt their working methods. The concept of remote working is gaining momentum and in some cases even becoming necessary. The issue of hybrid work between face-to-face and teleworking is now such that it is becoming a central theme for many organisations. How to ensure best IT security in such context? Here are some interesting ways to answer this question.

Install an antivirus or firewall to protect your network

It is important to ensure that the entire IT system is completely protected from potential data leaks or malicious intrusions. Faced with many tools, which are often used outside internal networks when teleworking, antivirus or other firewalls are practically necessary.

Since hackers are particularly dangerous to companies, confidential information must be particularly well protected. To do this, it’s important to privatize your internal network, to provide access only to employees, which includes the use of antivirus or firewalls, which are first-choice options.

The goal of these security measures is simple: to detect, neutralize, or even eradicate all malware. Do you still have to choose your formula? There are actually many competing solutions, and finding the best deal isn’t always easy. So these softwares work according to a special logic in the form of computer blacklisting. To protect against all threats, companies also have the option to include only authorized persons in the network. We then talk of whitelisting. In both cases, organizations ensure better protection against all computer threats.

Use a VPN to Secure Your Computer Hardware

There are other solutions available to protect against IT-related threats. Antivirus and firewall are excellent solutions, but thanks to a VPN, it is also possible to secure employees’ Internet browsing. The computer system specifically uses a data encryption protocol, in order to hide the browsing IP address. Depending on the VPN, it is possible to get a subscription with an antivirus. That’s why companies are fully interested in subscribing to VPN offers to ensure their security.

However, the competition in this market is particularly fierce. Many VPNs are also completely free, which may be of interest to companies looking to try the solution. It should also be noted that some of the cheap VPNs have a 30-day money-back guarantee. VPNs can be installed on many different devices, which can be a nice advantage for some businesses. Finally, securing an IP address allows access to content blocked for geographic area reasons. While travelling, users will have no trouble accessing local content that they may need abroad.

Favor private Wi-Fi networks

Wi-Fi networks are more and more numerous, and when employees use their professional equipment to telecommute, they can sometimes connect to public Wi-Fi networks. As practical as they may be, these networks are dangerous nonetheless. Hackers and other malicious software use this type of network for fraudulent purposes.

As a precaution, it’s best to only connect to private, secure Wi-Fi networks. Connection sharing may also be a preferred option for public Wi-Fi networks. Of course, it is also advisable to restrict access to connection sharing so that it remains secure.

French law implies that the employee must have the necessary means to practice teleworking. The first step is to make sure that you have a reliable and secure internet connection. But it may be necessary to connect to the Internet when an employee is traveling, for example, in a train, airport, restaurant or station. Transportation services provide a Wi-Fi network, which is often open to the public and not secure. So it could put the entire company’s computer system at risk.

Centralize passwords using dedicated platforms

Password protection is as important as secure Internet access. In a global IT security approach, it is important for companies to ensure that all of these elements are taken into account. With the multitude of software needed for employees to work, it can be easy to reuse the same password for multiple platforms. Although practical, this reflex is especially dangerous from a computer point of view.

Fortunately for businesses, there are now password centralization platforms. The principle is relatively simple: they record all passwords assigned to each software, so that the user does not need to enter different passwords on each connection to all software. All you have to do is join the platform. In addition, they also generate more secure passwords when needed. So companies have something to adapt to this particular period to allow employees to work effectively both individually as well as remotely.

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