
How to choose your keywords?

Keyword selection is an essential part of any SEO strategy (eg paid). Choosing the “right keywords” is essential to standing out as much as possible on search engines. Indeed, search engine crawlers calculate the relevance of a web page based on the relevance of its keywords when requested by an Internet user.

1/ Understand your customers

The keywords chosen should above all reflect the activity and content of a website. Yet it should be understood that sometimes there is a difference between the vision of a company that knows its field well (and hence its technical term) and its goal. The client is often not a “connoisseur,” so you’ll need to use “common” words and put yourself in the target position to determine your keywords. This is why it is essential to know and define your target well: gender, age, socio-professional category… This helps to better understand the logic of the Internet user when he/she searches on Google. and puts himself in his place. When he types his query in the search engine.

2/ Generate your keywords

Keyword generators are platforms that test the popularity and competitiveness of each keyword. For example, the Keyword Suggestion Generator provides the number of searches performed by Internet users on Google on the scale of France and the world for each keyword. This information thus makes it possible to objectively evaluate the traffic potential of each keyword in your topic, which facilitates the selection of the most relevant keywords. It’s also not the only element to keep in mind, of course, because you’ll have to stand out from your competition and therefore see that it doesn’t exist too heavily on keywords.

3/ Thanks for the “long tail” concept!

Competition on certain keywords is so important, it is often very useful to look at the “long tail”. But what is a long tail? In the natural context, long tail designates keywords (often composed of 3, 4 or 5 words) that may attract a few competitors over each keyword or even visitors, but whose accumulation is often 80%. Represents more traffic than total site. Applied to an e-commerce site, this “long tail” traffic therefore represents 80% of the turnover. So we are no longer talking about keywords but key expressions. These queries, which are more specific in nature, therefore logically have a higher conversion rate because the customer gets what he is looking for.

New software such as ‘Hittail’ ( now offers its customers to help them find these famous “key phrases” to increase their traffic. This directly responds to the fact that today, 84% of internet user questions are 2 words or more and over the years these questions will become even longer.

Choosing the right keywords is essential so don’t hesitate to spend some time there.

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