
How to buy website?

Want to buy a website? This popular method of earning profits online is well known to e-businessmen. Taking advantage of a great website with little effort can be tempting.

However, it is not as easy as it seems.

There are many things you have to check before buying a website. Here are the elements to keep in mind before investing in a website!

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Why buy a website?

By purchasing an existing website, you benefit from a domain name that is already empowered with search engines, established backlinks, and pages already optimized for SEO.

In short, you are taking the long step of building a website, researching traffic and building a reputation. A real time saver!

However, for this strategy to work, you need to choose a well-built website that suits your business and goals. We will tell you about it later in this article.

How to buy website?

1. Get off to a good start

Just as you wouldn’t buy a home just because you like the facade, don’t make a decision based on site design or ground details.

Do your own research about the website’s assets, designers, and history. View the reviews collected during their activity. Exactly as if you want to buy a product from this site.

our advice

If the designer and owner have a bad reputation with clients or are related to their previous role, go your way and find another investment.

2. Visit the Website

Browse the website and ask yourself the following questions:

  • Does it provide an optimal user experience?
  • At what speed are searches and commands executed?
  • Is the site mobile friendly?
  • What does the property look like: Is it small, attractive, modern?

Don’t invest your savings in a website with a complicated URL, rough browsing and slow load times. You can be sure that the reference will not be very good and some Internet users who visit the site will drop it immediately.

Take a look at their sales history and see if it is consistent and sustainable. Analyze marketing strategies and see what you can keep or improve.

3. Analyze SEO

What about website position on search engines? Is it well placed on relevant questions?

Also, check if there is a blog on the site. These days, it’s hard to stay on the front page without posting content regularly.

our advice

You can use the tool to find out what keywords are being used, such as Alexa or SEMrush, for example.

Again, don’t hesitate to ask these questions on Google to verify what page the site displays on. If it is visible beyond the first page, you definitely need to invest in SEO to get to the first page. The farther away the site is, the higher the investment…

4. Analyze the sources of income

To ensure return on investment, see how the website generates its income: sales of products/services, Google Adsense, affiliations, subscriptions…

If the e-business you want to buy has only one or two sources of income, you may need to make other investments to make a more reliable income.

our advice

If their income comes exclusively from products or services, make sure they are regular for a year and most importantly they are in the growth stage.

website revenue performance

5. Website Maintenance Review

Depending on the platform hosting it, the website will be more or less easy to maintain, customize or optimize.

If you are a novice, work with a professional or visit sites that are based on CMS such as WordPress, Prestashop, Wizishop…

Also remember to ask the seller for a maintenance report:

  • How often are updates done?
  • When was the last update?
  • What are recurring problems?

6. Price

There is no fixed price for the website. It will depend on his performance.

But beware, if a seller is asking for much less than average, there must be a problem! If it gives an oddly high price, either the site is really good (and you’ll see it during your investigation), or it’s a scam!

On which platform to buy website?

Ready to buy website? Discover our selection of 7 platforms to watch!

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1. sales2site


A leading platform for selling professional websites, Vente2Site connects buyers and sellers in a secure way. That’s what makes it its strength!

All ads are analyzed before they are published. The goal is to avoid bogus or low quality offers and ensure a transparent operation. Sellers, like buyers, are bound by a contract signed through the platform.

Vente2Site also has a support service to assist you if necessary (whether you are a buyer or a site owner).

2. Dot Market


Marketplace that connects buyers and sellers of websites, DotMarket has it for Keyword: Trust!

The platform has a system to verify the actual value of the websites offered for sale. The buyer thus benefits from actual information on the site’s metrics: number of hours required to manage, penalty information, actual number of visitors, amount generated by various sources of monetization, etc.

In addition, dotmarkets provides a comprehensive resource center to help you better sell or buy your website. Useful if you have any doubts or questions!

3. Site Sales

sales site

Formerly, VentedeSite specializes in the marketing of Internet sites, e-commerce and mobile applications.

As a buyer, you have access to information such as the turnover generated by the site, the age of the domain name, its ranking in search engines and its community on social networks. Ideal to get an idea of ​​site popularity and profitability before investing!



In terms of selling and buying websites, offers a large catalog in which to find a domain name that meets your needs.

With its advanced search option, you can filter sites according to your budget and the CMS platform used. Perfect if you have technical constraints and you’re looking for a CMS instead of something else entirely.

5. Exchange


The official Shopify Marketplace, Exchange allows you to buy and sell e-commerce sites created with this solution.

Before selling your website, you can get an evaluation to refine your ad. You can use the price suggested by the platform or set your own price.

On the buyer side, you have reliable data on the performance of each site. This is because the turnover and traffic related information for each store comes directly from the seller’s Shopify account.

Another advantage of the exchange: security. As the platform is owned by Shopify, it is the latter that manages the transactions and transfer of ownership. As a seller, you are guaranteed to receive money, whereas buyers are guaranteed to receive quality e-commerce.

6. Flippa


Flippa website is a popular platform to buy or sell. With over 120,000 registered buyers, Flippa has facilitated the sale of 250,000 businesses.

You can search by age, price or category among websites, applications, domain names, e-commerce, digital content, services, SaaS tools, and more.

7. Empire Flippers

Empire Flippers

If you are looking for quality websites, this is the place to turn to! It only accepts sites that generate at least $1,000 in monthly profit in the last 12 months.

Empire Flippers, on the other hand, cares about the credibility of sellers and checks traffic, as well as revenue history, before accepting an ad. It provides important guarantees to the buyers.


The best way to find a website easily is to search on a particular platform. With this selection, you will be able to browse thousands of sites for sale to find what you are looking for, depending on your field of activity, your needs and your goals!

Once you have been selected, take the time to discuss it with the seller and ask for all supporting documents.

If he willingly accepts, you can be partially reassured. But don’t forget to check out the items listed above to really make your informed decision.

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