
Eureka! I got an idea for business development

New business ideas are being developed every day around the world! Some are at the core of success stories and can inspire us to build our own business and develop new areas of existing. How to find an idea to grow your business?

respond to individual need

There are many people who clicked to build their business to fulfill their personal requirement. Thus Matthew Nebra conceived Open Classroom at the age of 13, because he wanted to learn programming and could not find enough resources for beginners. Similarly, Sebastian Forrest, who was then a student, decided to find Allo Resto because, during his revision, he was looking for a service that would give him a list of all the restaurants in his area so that he could choose the one of his own. Can eat food accordingly. In addition, Cecil Renaud, founder of Seraphine, a brand for pregnant women, declared, “My first project was to create fashionable and comfortable jeans, suitable for maternity. There was nothing in this niche at the time.”

make your loved ones happy

As Christmas approaches, it is common to look for original gifts that will please loved ones, even if throughout the year, there are plenty of occasions (birthday, party, retirement, wedding anniversary… Valentine’s Day… .). Bertil Burel explains that after leaving her job to travel the world with her husband James, she wanted to give gifts to her family, as they had. His return to France then coincides with the Christmas period. “We didn’t know what to buy, we wanted to make original gifts”, This is how he got the idea of ​​creating an activity set for the proposal. Wonderbox was born.

Rebuilding a Traditional Profession

Some professions are developing. Creating a new trend and new practices based on trades and know-how that have become unhelpful or transferred to other countries can be a source of inspiration.

Some traditional businesses are experiencing a new boom due to the adoption of new production and/or distribution methods, or the opening of new markets. Thus, in 2011 Guillaume Gibault listened to his intuition and decided that it was possible to restart textile manufacturing in France. A few months later, the first French slips were born in a workshop on the edge of the Drome, a specialist in underwear, renowned for their traditional and artistic knowledge. French slips are proof that ideas can be found in Made in France.

Find out what makes your life difficult

There are many examples of situations that make life difficult for us. Céline Lazarthes had the idea for Lychee as she was in charge of organizing the unification weekend for his promotion. It became a challenge to collect the required money from all my teammates with a small envelope and an excel file. Then the idea came to him to create a service that collects money for ordinary expenses.

go to search

You can draw inspiration from shows like home and goods, but also shows that match your core business to keep you up to date with the latest trends. You can also go to other shows that offer added value for stepping out of your comfort zone into the unknown. MyLittleParis founder Fanny Pechiodat thus had for favorite pastime to find good plans. To find them, he spent his free time wandering the streets of Paris. He decided to write an email including “nice addresses” which he sent to about fifty friends. A craze has set in and within a few months the young woman has amassed nearly 10,000 subscribers through her newsletters. In 2008, she decided to launch her own site, MyLitllleParis, a fairly original media group that shares tips and advice.

Make Your Life Easier as Entrepreneurs or Project Leaders

Entrepreneurs need tools to grow their customers and their suppliers: networking platforms, coworking, good practice exchange sites, self-employed and remote work tools for their customers, etc. have evolved naturally over the years but many Challenges remain.

To find an idea in the field, simply ask yourself what could make your life as an entrepreneur easier. So take a look around you and ask yourself what will make your life easier. Don’t hesitate to take each item in the house and ask yourself how you can best present it. Thermos flasks, ancient companions of hiking, have thus become companions to everyday life (office, transportation, etc.).

Look at the possible variations of your products or services.

Every business has a hidden potential for growth. So every time ask yourself these questions:

  • How do I create a complementary product: Toys like dolls evolve into parallel clothing, accessories and even disguise, showing how much we can offer from one product to others, much like games Cycling develops a completely helpful product ranging from gadget to utility…
  • How can I add additional services to better meet customer needs? After sales service, delivery, training…

Observe concepts that work overseas

In the age of the Internet, it has become common for many designers to see what works overseas. Ask yourself how you can adapt it to your country! Even the most cynical ideas can seduce the inhabitants of the Hexagon! To see the success of Japan Expo is enough to understand that a whole generation is coming and they will have other wishes.

So, your idea!!!

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