
Entrepreneurship among the French, a bequest?

Building and maintaining a business is no small feat. Ideas are flowing in France and it ranks among the top 10 most innovative countries in the world, enough to inspire the most refractory. Building a business is a risk for many French people, but 25% say they are ready.

According to INSEE, 91,335 companies were formed in January. thus Business creation increased by 3.1% (again) Compared to December 2021, already after a significant increase of 3.4% compared to November 2021. It is therefore a reflection of a willingness to act among the French.

A survey conducted by Opinionway in collaboration with Le Roch-les Mosquitiers Foundation for the United Arab Emirates and Sage’s participation with 2051 people on the occasion of the 25th Salon des Entrepreneurs gives us more information about the desire and development of a French Meets. company.

Which entrepreneurs of the future?

25% say they want to be an entrepreneur in their lifetime. A telling figure. In 2016, the French were more likely to consider an entrepreneurial adventure (37%). However, entrepreneurship remains less lucrative, despite improvements in French development. In its study, OpinionWay compares the desire of the French to, in parallel, the number of commercial creations. A peak was set in January 2016 with 37% of French people considering entrepreneurship. And business creation amounted to 591,000 in 2016 compared to 591,000 in 2018. Between entrepreneurial desire and achievement, there is a gap of two years. A very interesting find on the attitude of future entrepreneurs.

As far as the profile of people ready to work is concerned, the vast majority are young people. 46% of 18-24 year olds and 25-34 year olds say they are considering the possibility of starting a business. As far as the social category is concerned, this dynamic executive is the most concerned (31%) and intermediate profession (29%). Business building is more lucrative for young people driven by the desire to innovate, especially after completing their studies. But what are the reasons that motivate the French to act?

  • Feel more free: 46%
  • Giving more meaning to your life: 38%
  • Make more money: 38%
  • Be more complete: 36%
  • Having more flexibility: 24%
  • Take a Challenge: 23%

These reasons sometimes arise from the impossibility of innovating as an employee. Entrepreneurs who have an innovative idea and who cannot bring it to life within their company want to become entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship appears to be the solution for talented people who feel cramped within the framework of a society that does not offer them the possibility of professional growth. So they want to free themselves to personally participate in a project that is close to their heart.

project to start

To complete their project to form their company, the French often wait two years, the time to solidify the idea and organization. Of the 25% of French people who are in favor of future business creation, i.e. a sample of 511 people, only 27% of those inquiring say they have a project ready to start. Future entrepreneurs mature their project to launch themselves with complete peace of mind. In order not to throw himself into the adventure without a parachute, the French, who want to form a company, want to parallel an activity. To become an entrepreneur requires patience and courage and they are aware of it and hence to avoid bankruptcy, many prefer to start with all the keys in hand.

With regard to the choice of position, some French people are in favor of working with allies. In fact, 56% want to be self-employed/micro-entrepreneur status and 29% want to start alone in a SARL, SA, EURL or SAS. It is for them to independently produce a project that the company does not develop and to avoid the potential constraints inherent in any association. This is why micro-entrepreneur status more accessible to all wins the support of many future entrepreneurs.

A vision of the rules to start the adventure.

French law relating to entrepreneurship encouraged some people to create. But after measures that have already been voted on or others that will soon be voted on, the French believe that entrepreneurship is no longer a harm’s way. They are relatively satisfied with the implementation of the government. Access to equal rights for employees (84%), the introduction of unemployment benefits (78%) and the portability of social rights (76%) mean that all these measures reassure citizens and help them start an entrepreneurial project. Huh. The measures relate to human rights and they become all the more encouraging. Increasing the turnover threshold for micro-entrepreneurs and setting up of a legal partnership so that they can more easily connect have become the leaders attracting more than one person. 74% of French people are in favor of these future laws because they aim to facilitate entrepreneurship for all and give more opportunities to develop future activity without loss of past.

However, it cannot be denied that for 74% of French people, starting a business is not an option as it is too risky. But for the remaining 25%, there are many reasons to start a business and allow them to innovate and free themselves from salaried employment. One in four French people are considering entrepreneurship, i.e. 52,405,723 people, or 13 million potential future entrepreneurs! In the next few years France, thanks to this new energy, will probably be part of the top 5 of the most innovative countries in the world.

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