
don’t talk about your idea to others

Those who give advice and lessons when someone does work are innumerable. But they are often guided by fear and caution that are far from the DNA of entrepreneurs. However, entrepreneurship means taking risks. Pay attention to bad advice to steer clear of your thinking and actions. Why don’t you tell others about your idea?

“It is your thought patterns that determine whether you will be successful or unsuccessful.”

Henry Ford, founder of Ford Automotive

The advice to follow sincerely to ensure never create.

You are suggested that when beginning to build a business, the key is to guard the secret of an idea, to guard it jealously. Because if another entrepreneur comes across your brilliant idea that will revolutionize the market, he will take advantage of it and overtake you! To prevent it from spreading and you being tempted to talk to others about it, according to some, you should avoid frequenting business clubs full of idea robbers.

If the thought occurred to you to ask for advice, you run the risk that your interlocutor is a simulator competitor. Your idea, you’ll be talking to prospects about it only after the product is built, you’re told. It’s forgetting that dangling a new product with new features can make your future customer’s mouth water. Stay in your corner to defend your idea as much as possible. Work on your project alone. So, at least you will be sure that you will not risk anything … and regret.

“You don’t have to wait for it to be perfect to start something good. »

Abbé Pierre, the founder of Emmaus.

How come nothing won?

Certainly nothing to risk, but nothing to gain either! One thing is certain that there are very few who succeed alone. By talking to other entrepreneurs about an idea, you can benefit from their perspective. They will enrich the concept. And if you don’t test the impact of your product or service idea on your potential customers, who can tell you whether your offer will be truly compelling? Maybe their suggestions will allow you to improve your product and become a market leader? And don’t forget: The idea is important, but it’s often the charisma of the entrepreneur that makes the difference. If you are the best at developing your ideas, you have nothing to fear!

“Winners find ways, losers find excuses.”

FD Roosevelt, 20th President of the United States

The magic of tongue!

It’s true, your product is so great and innovative that people who discover it will naturally tell others about it! So there is no need to invest and risk your own cash to communicate.

And your tutors, who know more than others, have reminded you that really good ideas spread by themselves, word of mouth, as if by magic. It is only those who offer shoddy products and who have money to spend unnecessarily that are forced to advertise.

It’s true, good products make their mark on their own… on another planet and besides, if that were the case, why would those who have been successful use advertising! But unfortunately trading is far from what it looks like a magical world! And the market is especially sensitive to marketing and social media actions. Of course, your product can only be known by word of mouth. But by choosing the communication strategy of natural virility, there is a good chance that your product will completely disappear! To quickly and widely inform consumers about your product, nothing beats a good little communication plan!


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