
Digitization at the heart of HR

Recruiting and taking care of employees on a daily basis is not an easy task. In fact, all adventures require time, energy, and information and interpersonal skills to optimally engage. But in the digital age, the human resources of companies are being transformed to adapt to the rising competition and the needs of the younger generation. Is HR really ready for the digital transformation? Complicated reality for large companies. Digitization of HR requires training the employees, but there is also a need to implement digitization and break old habits.

6I Sopra HR and L’Usindigital’s Barometer of Digital HR, conducted among 255 HR decision-makers at the end of 2022, taught us that 31% of them believe their company has a good maturity level in terms of digital transformation. (8 points less in a year). However, 36% consider this level to be poor. Fortunately, 58% of companies plan to increase their investment in these types of HR solutions in the future.

HR, a profession that is starting its own revolution

Even if the HR position does not exist in all companies, it is an integral part of the company’s mission. Indeed, recruiting, managing employees or being the interface between employees and people management are functions without which no company can do. Even though there has been a clear definition of the position in medium and large companies for a decade now, the profession remains mired in traditional habits. As a result, digital transformation is struggling to take root. These new technologies are necessary, as was the Internet in its earlier stages. However, in the same way people who are reluctant to use them because they are protected by habits. The observation is that many companies make little use of digitization, social networks, automation and everything related to new technologies for their employees.

Digitizing, a considerable task

On the scale of large companies, the HR department often lags behind and the transition doesn’t happen. Employee files are rarely digitized. They clutter up a large number of cabinets to such an extent that finding a classified or archived document is a considerable waste of time. Older generations leading HR departments are having a hard time keeping pace with change. Indeed, such a transition requires a tremendous amount of work because of the sheer number of employees that have to be managed along with their files. In most large companies, digitization has not caught on, for example, digitizing documents is extremely time consuming and tedious. Furthermore, older generations face difficulties in becoming familiar with these technologies and their progress becomes slower.

Train and train employees in digitization

The difficulty of HR departments to switch to digital transformation can be overcome. Even if the older generations are a little reluctant, they know it is an inevitable path. For 10 years he has been experiencing the intrusion of new technologies on a daily basis, both in his professional sphere and in his personal life. To help them, various training courses are offered to HR to identify the challenges of digitization and understand the practices generated by them.

And even though they don’t want to attend these training courses because they say they are overloaded and don’t want to waste time, many e-learning practices are being established in companies. They avoid long training courses and with the help of MOOCs (online courses) HR manages to settle in the digital age. Whether through digitization of documents, consequential legislation or even social networks, learning new technologies and their practices is an obligation for HR.

Talent recruitment at the heart of digitization

With regard to social networks, the human resources of medium and small companies use these tools for recruitment. Companies use Facebook or Twitter to broadcast their advertisements and sometimes to chat with candidates before an interview. These human resource services have understood the influence of social networks on new generations. So they can now recruit young profiles for whom digitization is no secret.

Adaptation, the major challenge

If companies choose to adopt new technologies and their practices, it is to guarantee progress in modernity and generate internal growth. That is why they also try to specialize in digital and using new technologies for training or conferences. This is the case with Orange or Sodexo, which use artificial intelligence to train their employees. Not only is the company part of the desire to digitize, but the cost remains low compared to the cost of mobilizing and providing trainers to multiple employees at the same time.

a time consuming change

Digitization of human resource saves a lot of time. To do this, it is necessary to digitize all the documents so that there is no burden of tons of paper on a daily basis. Digitization is also an integral part of digital. Among other things, it allows you to create a database that can later be used for other purposes. It is a real time saver for departments that may also be doing internal studies or tools for managing the company and employees.

Digitization at the heart of sustainable development

Digitization not only saves time for HR, but it is also an ecological practice. Thanks to this, companies are positioning themselves in the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) transition. Regularly printing lots of pages does not contribute to ecological policy. It’s better to digitize documents and deliver them by email, not only will it save you time and money, but you’ll also be more respectful of the planet. Many companies still send pay slips by mail. This requires time and, to top it all, is a large amount of paper, whereas your employees will be more satisfied to receive them by email.

Digitization means becoming the master of time

The implementation of digitalization in HR departments saves a lot of time. This will allow you to focus even more on your employees and their expectations. Making changes may require resources and adaptation. However, it will simplify the lives of HR and employees in general! The new digital age is at hand, so go ahead, go for it!

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