
8 Joomla! to be on your site

The advent of Content Management Systems (CMS) has made it easier for many people with limited experience and technical skills to build their own website. Among the most popular platforms, Joomla! occupies a prominent position.

One of the reasons for its success is undoubtedly the thousands of Joomla extensions that extend its functionality and redesign any website according to its owner’s expectations.

While the extensions you might need depend largely on what you want to achieve, we’ve rounded up the most popular Joomla! Extension is selected.

Some of these plugins will be relevant to your project, while others will focus on more general things and not a specific need.

However, this selection will show you how easy it is to change the Joomla website.

Joomla! Most popular in 2022

1. JCE

One of the main reasons to use a CMS is to be able to easily manage each and every component of a web page. By default, Joomla! Uses a content editor called TinyMCE, and anyone who has experience with word processing applications should know how to use it without any problems. However, it is possible to be better.

JCE (Joomla! Content Editor) is widely regarded as the best extension in its field. It replaces the default Joomla! By a new tool, much more intuitive and rich in features.

It comes with a WYSIWYG editor similar to WordPress. Actually, you can create and modify pages and articles without knowing anything about programming languages.

Text formatting is important from an SEO point of view: JCE provides you with all the tools to make this task as easy as possible. Integrating multimedia content also becomes child’s play.

Price :
JCE has a free option and a premium option which costs around 30€ per year. The latter has additional features such as the ability to resize, crop and rotate images, an advanced media manager and an iframe editor.

2. RSForm!Pro


Forms are often a ‘battle state’ for many websites: a well-structured and visible contact form makes users feel more comfortable doing business with you.

Or maybe you need visitors to sign up for a newsletter or event you’re hosting?

In this case, RSForm!PRO is one of the best Joomla! to create your form. Using this plugin, you can create anything from a simple contact page to a complex multi-step document.

The extension gives you multiple templates to choose from and almost endless customization options. Its drag-and-drop editor and built-in wizard help you create forms in minutes.

The forms thus created are highly configurable, with excellent options such as a pop-up calendar or time selection.

Price :
RSForm!PRO is a premium extension: prices start at just 30€ to be able to use the extension on the same website for a period of one year. 30% off on renewal.

3. Akiba Backup Professional

we should not never Underestimating the importance of backup: Unexpected outages or cyberattacks can happen, especially not these days. That’s why you should always check with your hosting provider about the options available to you, but also consider other solutions: You can never be too careful in this area.

This is where Akiba Backup Extension comes in, a tool specifically designed to work with Joomla! Akiba Backup integrates into the core of the CMS and provides you with a one-click backup creation utility. This is especially useful if you make frequent updates to your website, which (hopefully) you do.

In addition to FTP files and databases, the extension also saves a short restore script so you can quickly get everything back in working order if something goes wrong.

Akiba’s backup frequency can be fully automated, and the extension takes care of the backup management part for you as well. For example, if the plugin detects insufficient storage space, it will delete the oldest backups to ensure that you always have enough storage space for a full backup. Even better, this valuable feature is available in the free version of the extension.

Price :
If you opt for the professional version, you’ll definitely get other features, including support for archiving backups with widely used cloud storage providers, such as Dropbox, Amazon, etc. Akiba Backup Professional offers encryption of your archives, a site transfer wizard, and much more for around €60.

4. Hika Shop


VirtueMart has long been considered the best solution for Joomla! Who wanted to build an online store. However, with time and continuous technological advances, VMs today face fierce competition from solutions that appear to be more modern, including Hikashop.

HikaShop offers a large number of out-of-the-box features to its users and promises to deliver them in an intuitive and user-friendly environment.

Along with its sleek interface, HikaShop has some great tricks up its sleeve, such as support for multiple currencies, easy integration with most payment processors, and detailed store statistics.

Price :
HikaShop Essential starts at around 50€.



Whatever your project, optimized SEO performance is important, and a well-done sitemap often plays an important role for search engines. If you still haven’t created one, it’s time to consider installing an extension like OSMap.

As you configure OSMap, the plugin generates an XML sitemap that you can send directly to Google’s Search Console with just a few clicks. You can then display the sitemap in HTML on the frontend, making it very easy for users to navigate through the various menus and submenus on your site.

Joomla! From the admin area, you can manage existing sitemaps, create new ones, select the sections of your website you want to map…

Price :
OSMap Pro is available for $59 per year and the premium version supports many extensions.

6. Assembling


Assembling is one of the most complete newsletter extensions on the market. This plugin allows the management of groups of subscribers, sending attached files … With this extension, it is also possible to send newsletters to people not registered on the site, if you have an external user database.

Price :
Assimilating is available in free and premium versions. From €29 to €89 per year excluding tax, they offer highly recommended functions such as planning sending out newsletters, list segmentation, and more.

7.JCH Optimize

JCH Optimize

The more extensions are stacked, the greater is the need to reduce page loading times: having a fast website is important because speed greatly affects search engine rankings apart from providing a better user experience.

JCH Optimize Your Joomla! The operated may perform a number of operations aimed at improving the performance of the site.

For starters, the tool significantly reduces the number of HTTP requests by combining multiple JavaScript and CSS files into one and bundling background images into CSS “sprites”.

The extension can also be used to “shorten” (remove spaces and unnecessary characters from CSS, JavaScript and HTML files) and uses GZIP compression to further reduce their size. JavaScript lazy loading and better CSS delivery helps to load faster and improve the user experience of your pages.

Price :
The Pro version offers premium support and image customization capabilities. A six-month subscription costs just over €30.

8.Advanced Module Manager Pro

In addition to templates and other extensions, Joomla! There is another content management component: modules. For some users, module management becomes more difficult than it should be, especially when there are more than a few widgets installed on the website.

Joomla! The Advanced Module Manager Pro plugin was created with these users in mind to replace the default module management tools in the admin area.

In addition to simple controls, AMM Pro also gives website administrators greater control over site modules: Comes with an intuitive interface (and comprehensive documentation) for optimum usability, Advanced Module Manager lets you manage user groups, components, templates in various Gives the ability to assign modules. , browser and even URL.

Price :
Count 39€ for Advanced Module Manager Pro.

our tip

Now you are well equipped with these Joomla! To improve your site.

If you need help installing extensions or setting up your Joomla site, you can also rent Joomla! By posting a free ad on You will receive instant quotes from the many developers available to help you with your project.

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