
20 title ideas for your blog post

More than 60% of the questions result in no clicks. The Reason? Internet users are not satisfied with the results offered. Before blaming search engine algorithms, have you thought about the title of your blog post?

In addition to improving your SERP ranking, your article title should prompt people to click through to read more. This is the key to attracting traffic to convert…

Lack of inspiration for your next title? Here are 20 ideas to put your creativity to work!

1. An odd number in the beginning

According to Conductor’s research, headlines with numbers outperform. Why ? They present a blog post in the form of lists and are therefore inclined to monopolize the first places.

People like to skim through the main points in blog posts. They can quickly get information about their needs. When they read a number, such as the 20 placed at the beginning of the title of this article, they know they will quickly benefit from the 20 tips. It brings them additional value. So this psychological preference generates more clicks.

but that’s not all ! Internet users seem to be more receptive to odd-numbered titles. A study by the Content Marketing Institute found that they are clicked 20% more often than even numbers. (I should have titled this post “21 Title Ideas for Your Blog Post,” really!)

Also read: Blog: 7 Tips For Writing A Good Introduction

2. Powerful words to stir up emotions

Powerful words are effective for two main reasons:

  • They evoke emotion: positive or negative, the emotion generates the click.
  • They arouse curiosity: these words create a “need to know more” in the readers. So they are more likely to click, read the article and share it.

What do we mean by “influential words”? Expressions such as:

  • free: e.g. “Check out my free resources…”;
  • Professional: e.g. “X professional advice…”;
  • true: as in “the correct method for…”;
  • Best: e.g. “List of the best tools for me…”;
  • Amazing: Like “Amazing tricks for X…”.

3. A negative exaggeration of the addition of the number

The Conductor study shows that 51% of Internet users prefer a title with at least one excellent title. Another research from Outbrain shows that negative exaggeration produces 30% more results. The reason is simple: Positive exaggerations are common in article titles. Since they are used to it, users are less sensitive to it. Negatives, on the other hand, are rare: they send a warning that’s hard to ignore.

For example: “13 worst strategies for making your new business fail” will make more sense than “13 effective strategies for growing your new business.” Which will get more clicks, views and shares.

4. Heading with Statistics

Another way to create an engaging blog title is to use case study figures or data.

Like we said, internet users love numbers and the same goes for percentages. So, if you can, write hooks like:

  • 95% of our users are satisfied with product A
  • Generate 50% more sales with this method
  • Reduce your acquisition costs by up to 15% thanks to these best practices

5. A Title With “You” or “Your”

Buffer analyzed the most shared titles on its platform and found that those who spoke directly to the reader came in second.

Customizing your blog title helps you connect with your readers. They feel concerned and involved in your article, which encourages them to click through. As soon as possible, include words like “you”, “yours” or “vos” in the hook.

6. Controversial headlines

“Why do you have to leave your marketing agency in favor of a freelancer? » ; “It’s time to delete your Facebook account!””.

Do these examples surprise you? So they work!

These titles demonstrate a clear opinion: therefore they are bound to cause controversy. Internet users will want to click through to know your opinion or to understand your point of view.
This type of hook often generates multiple commitments, and especially comments and shares on social networks.

7. Headings That List Errors

Headlines about flaws take advantage of an innate human desire: to be perfect. In personal or professional life, we love to be successful!

Even though humans can learn from their mistakes, they want to learn to improve from the mistakes of others. For example, when launching a new project, Internet users like to look for mistakes that shouldn’t be made. So help them by writing articles on mistakes to avoid in order to be successful!

8. Titles That Give Importance to Lessons

There are people interested not only in the mistakes you made, but also in the lessons you learned on your journey to success.

That’s why titles like “X lessons learned after testing this strategy” are very effective.

9. Titles That Begin with “Why”

Generally speaking, question titles work well. Starting with the “why,” you focus on a topic and the reason for certain actions. You provide an explanation, an analysis that may prove useful to Internet users. That’s why they’ll want to click!

10. Titles That Promise a Guide

Writing comparison articles, which will help internet users to choose products or services, is always useful for capturing quality traffic. Except that the “guide” side must be exactly reflected in the title. Be specific about the proposals you are going to discuss.

For example: “Fiberglass, concrete or vinyl in-ground pools: which is better?”

This idea allows you to replace customer reviews with your own comments. It’s also a roundabout way of stealing traffic from your competitors, placing you on questions related to your brand. In highly competitive markets, these formats perform very well.

11. Comparison

Users love to fight and compare between two products or services. Especially internet users who are on the verge of conversion. With titles like: “Tool 1 vs Tool 2: Which is better?” You will definitely spark the action!comparison

12. Top Lists

Lists generate action, but top lists are even more powerful! In addition, they are aimed at users who have already thought about purchasing and want to choose the product or service that really suits their needs.

13. Title with Brackets

The parentheses in the title increase the click-through rate by 38%.

Some readers have a preference for specific formats. By mentioning it in the title you will encourage them to click.

For example :

  • (Report) Study on the latest market trends
  • (Infographic) 13 Content Marketing Statistics
  • (Interview) How does Richard Branson change the world?

14. Ask Closed Questions

By reading your blog article, the internet user wants to get the answer. To do this, ask questions (the same ones he asks himself, of course). Support closed questions that inevitably prompt your readers to answer yes or no.

For example: “Are you using product X to drive 277% more sales?” “. This shows that whoever shared this knows the answer and achieves the success promised by the title.

Furthermore, it is a way to take advantage of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), which encourages Internet users to click.

15. “Everything You Need to Know About…” Headlines

Reading “Everything you need to know …” deserves attention, as the article promises a detailed overview of the problem faced by an Internet user.

If the user can take advantage of a source that will provide him with all the information, this exempts him from looking elsewhere or on another blog. That’s why it’s tempting to click on it!

16. Ask Provocative Questions

Instead of writing the headline “15 Blogging Mistakes to Avoid,” why not ask a provocative question?

Here are some good examples:

  • Are You Making These Embarrassing Mistakes on Your Blog?
  • Are You Making These 7 Mistakes From Your Homepage?
  • Why are you afraid to write an article about your experience?

17. Surfing on Disbelief

Dismissing fake news or explaining how some people cheat or manipulate you is very effective in generating clicks!

Here are some examples of titles to suit your business:

  • 6 Lies Your Car Dealership Will Try To Tell You
  • Is your insurer telling you the truth about your insurance premiums?
  • Sun damage is bad, but is sunscreen worse?

surfing on disbelief

18. Addressing the Novices

“How-to” titles abound at the top of search results. To stand out, find a creative way to present your educational articles. Show new Internet users that you’re targeting them specifically, with titles like:

  • 3 best ways to attract leads
  • 6 Strategies for Getting Started in SEO
  • Building Your Own Chicken Coop: Our Beginner’s Guide

19. Make a Promise

Internet users love to read articles that promise something. What will your readers gain or realize after reading your article? You have to clear them from the title itself with a hook like this:

  • get flat stomach in 15 days
  • 10 tips that will revolutionize the way you do housework
  • 5 tips to cut your shopping budget in half
  • My Method for Turning Your Website into a Lead Machine

20. Include Change Terms

Internet users are constantly looking for change! Take this opportunity to attract them to your blog with titles like:

  • 10 tips to rekindle the flame in your relationship
  • Forget Salaried Work and Try Freelancing Instead
  • 5 Signs It’s Time to Change Your Life to Travel More


And here’s something to get you inspired for your next blog post! And remember, when you make a promise in the headline, keep it so you don’t disappoint readers.

Need help writing your articles or customizing the design of your blog? Freelance writers, developers and web designers are available on Post your project for free to get their quotes!

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