
10 Tips to Strengthen the Security of Your Prestashop Store

online store security is paramount, as customers provide their personal information. This is because they share their credit card details, addresses, phone numbers, etc.

if your There are flaws in e-commerceit is adaptable to attacks, This vulnerability one is Big risk to your reputation, Especially if attackers seize your and your customers’ data. Securing your website is part of this Marketing your store Similar to SEO.

In this article, we 10 Tips to Secure Your Prestashop Online Store, These tips can be implemented as soon as your Prestashop site is built, or later.

1. Using the latest version of the CMS

previous version An application or platform always has the most stable and safe, When developers release new versions, it is often related to security:

  • global security audit : Verification of possible attacks, source code, verification of files etc.
  • fix security vulnerabilities : Installation of new security module
  • Avoid SQL Injection :SQL is a type of attack that allows an attacker to insert malicious instructions into encrypted data.
  • Checking PHP Script : PHP is a scripting language that supports large amounts of data.

They provide regular solutions to optimize browsing security. Thus they reduce the vulnerability of the CMS to the maximum.

So whenever a new version is released, check what has been added or changed in it of change, changelog is a list in which you find all change completed during Update, Almost all updates security improvements, so don’t hesitate Upgrade Your CMS When the latest updates are released.

Plus, when a security fix is ​​indicated, it’s a good clue for an attacker: it makes it easier for him to hack and attack your website. Specific sites regularly share security vulnerabilities: “A discovered flaw that allows you to do this, thanks to such a file! “. Do not belittle the work of pirates, be careful.

read also How do I send username and password securely? Tips and Tools

2. Securing with SSL Certificate and HTTPS

ssl certificate made one security channel among Web browser And this Web server, So, statistics among Customer And this waiter Huh coded and vice versa. Thus, the URL address turns into http (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) to HTTPS, The “S” for “Sécurisé” in French means “secured”. An https site declares that the data exchanged between the website and the Internet user is encrypted. Thus, they are reserve and cannot be spied or modified.

This is one of the most common security measures, and every website should have it.

Many Internet users will not complete the purchase if the website does not have this certification. The padlock to the left of the site’s address gives the customer instant information, It would be a shame to lose the conversion, especially since your image is affected as well. To prospects, your store is not a safe place.

I know that Google keep these things in mind certificate for SEO. a unsafe site will have no place in top google search results, Also a doubly important point for safety and your visibility.

Read also: SSL certificate: how to choose?

3. create admin password

Prestashop Password Protection

administrator password should be long and complicated, For a password to have good security, it must contain:

  • block letters
  • lowercase
  • statistics
  • One or more special characters (& – ! – @ – . – ? – etc.).

Very simple passwords like “password”, “azerty”, “abcdf”, etc. should be avoided. They are easily accessible to hacking professionals.

However, choose A complex password that you’ll remember anyway so you don’t have to reset it over and over again,

Read also: 8 tips for securing your passwords

4. Beware of other associated accounts and passwords

Prestashop Filezilla Security

When you a. make up Prestashop StoreYou create passwords and usernames for various things:

  • ftp account,
  • cPanel,
  • Prestashop admin,
  • other users
  • database.

users names And this Passwords Must be different every time. If one of your security barriers is breached by a hacker, everyone else will have access to it if you have the same credentials.

For these passwords, which you will not need on a daily basis, you can use generators such as those offered by Norton.

5. Exact Definition of .htaccess File

.htaccess file there is a file for apache web server, he controlsdirectory/folder access inside which it is located as well as all its subdirectories.
With the help of .htaccess, you can implement security measures:

  • access lock In the administration panel (the IP whitelist that provides access to the back-end of the store)
  • file locking templates, so that they are inaccessible
  • direct access prevention for some files

The .htaccess file can be used in many different ways. Nevertheless, it is recommended to handle it, only if you have enough experience.

Or, leave the management in such files to an expert developer. If you need a professional to access the .htaccess file, you can call a freelancer!

6. Setting up a Backup System

backup essentially involves making a copy of your AdjustmentYour database, your files And this content of your website, These backups are very useful if:

  • your website is down
  • your website has been hacked
  • There is a problem with your online store that requires restoration

backup is a Insurance of to be able to recover easily all of you information and data In case of problem.

You can back up your store yourself or leave it to yourself host, most of hosting plan include a service of weekly backup, However, you can request or perform additional and more frequent backups yourself.

7. Using Cookies

Security Prestashop Cookies

you can Enable or disable the use of cookies , just log in to your back office (control Panel).

You go to Administration > Preferences. You can activate the option “Check IP address on cookie”. This way, Prestashop will check whether the visitor’s IP address matches his browser’s cookie. This can detect fraudsters and prevent unwanted attempts to enter the administration area.

you should also warn visitors that you use cookies For store their information, There are modules that can help you with this type of notification. The law is very clear regarding the use of cookies and user data. You have to be very strict with these parameters.

Read also: 6 Tools for Requesting Cookie Consent

8. Securing the Front Office

Security Prestashop Settings

Prestashop has a default feature that can be enabled in your settings:

Go to your “Preferences” and then to “General”. Next, click “Enhance Front Office Security” – set it to “yes”.

hence, Each client session receives a unique URLI. thus information added by customer Safe, They cannot be used in any other browser or computer.

9. Checking Your Plugins and Themes

Always be careful about what you add to your store. Make sure that The plugin or theme is approved and verified by platform developers. Then you can download and install it without any problem.

note that all PrestaShop themes and modules are approvedso that you can use them safely.

Approval mainly deals with plugins or themes that you can download on other platforms. Some may be infected with malware. This is why we recommend you request upstream verification by Prestashop professionals.

Joomla! On the platform, it is recommended to secure your plugins… we explain how here.

10. Use of Security Plugins

Protect My Shop Prestashop Security Plugin

There are many plugins that will help you improve security Regarding your PrestaShop store, here are some of them:

  • Protect My Shop: This module developed by Librasoft allows you to configure up to 9 different security scripts in the back office.
  • reCAPTCHA: This module adds CAPTCHA to your store.
  • Block bots: Block access to your store for certain bots or unwanted users by creating a block by IP address, country or user-agent.

Your online stores is like a shop you need protect Against fraud, hackers, thieves and various accidents.

our tip

For all these reasons, install security measures Suitable. Also, be sure to use additional resources such as plugins and platforms to improve security.

Call an independent Prestashop developer to strengthen your store’s security by placing an ad on

The tips we’ve given you are obvious to some people. However, remember to maximize your chances in terms of security. It is better to have too much than not enough. Pirates are very fast, you have to be very alert.

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