
10 steps to building your mobile application

Do you dream of developing your own mobile application?
To go from dream to reality, you have to overcome many obstacles to offer an intuitive application that will interest your goal.
Here are 10 essential steps to develop a high quality mobile application.

Why is it important to break down your mobile application development into phases?

If you have an idea to build an app to grow your business or your services, we strongly recommend you to start by listing this project. Steps to build your mobile app,

For a project of such scope, this division will allow you to be organized to respect your schedule, to know who is doing what, but above all, to be able to measure your progress. .

Splitting up the development phases of your app is also a good way to let a common thread catch on when you get lost along the way.

Here are the various steps we recommend you to follow to complete your mobile application development project.

Develop your mobile application in 10 steps

Step 1: Confirm your mobile app idea

This step involves making sure that the application you want to develop will meet a requirement. For example, you can use Google Keyword Planner (or other keyword research techniques) to find out how many people are searching for your idea.
If there is indeed a demand, prepared questions will provide you with a list of useful keywords to refer to your application. They can be placed in the description on the mobile store, but also on the landing page of your website.

Step 2: Describe your project

In writing, describe your application project in detail. The more detailed your sketch, the easier the next steps will be.
Provide as much information as possible on various functionalities of your future application on all technical and aesthetic aspects.
Do not hesitate to download our specifications for building a mobile application.

Step 3: Define your branding and visual identity

Your branding should be at the heart of your development strategy. this is a Steps required to build your mobile application, Before starting the development process of your app you need to define your brand image. We can also say that your brand image guides its creation as it allows you to create a unique universe in which your users will enjoy browsing. It is an integral part of your user experience.

Branding represents both the mission and values ​​defended by a company. This is what makes it special. The visual recognition that results from your mobile application will also be a good way for your app users to create a sense of engagement and engagement with your brand.

Step 4: Remove non-essential features

In the first version of your app, Include only essential features And leave all that is secondary.
To this end, closely examine the prototype of your application and identify all the functionalities that can be set aside, to keep only the options with higher added value.
Optional features may be added in later updates. This will help you control your app development costs.

Step 5: Make app design a top priority

Don’t be tempted to choose an original design Devote more time and resources to facilitate development. This would be a mistake!
Design is paramount, as it is not only a matter of aesthetics, but also a valuable way to improve the user experience.
Remember that your app must be downloaded and used to become profitable.

Step 6: Summarize your mobile app for developers

Prepare a document in which you state the circumstances that led to the usefulness of your application to you, your target audience, and the public. The features of the application, the prototype as well as the budget you have should be part of the document.
In short, if this is not done, meet your specifications Step 2 started with your sources of inspiration, your goals, and the envelope you have.
Communicate this document to developers to receive a quote and completion deadline. However, when reviewing quotes, don’t just look at the price. Keep in mind the time frame, guarantee and experience of the service provider.

Step 7: Find the right developer for your mobile app development

When you have finished writing a well-crafted specification, you can proceed to the stage of selecting the mobile developer to whom to entrust your project.

Know that there are many platforms for connecting freelancers and project leaders. The Kodur platform brings together over 320,000 freelancers available right now to help you with all your projects. You can now write an ad to find the ideal mobile developer.find a mobile developer

Step 8: Integrate Analytics into Your Mobile App

You’ll definitely need a way to track your app stats: number of downloads, engagement rate, reviews, usage time, and more.
Plan on using a tool like Flurry, Countly, App Analytics or Mixpanel.

Then it is important to test. Applications with bugs do not always meet with the expected success, which is why your applications need to be tested by your future customers and your target. If your application is intended for Android mobiles and Apple mobiles, consider testing both versions.

Take user feedback into account, whether on the interface, features, etc.

Upon launch, your app will benefit from this feedback!

Step 9: Promote your mobile app

That’s all, are you finally ready to launch your mobile application? Now it’s time to start promoting it to get new users and new customers! To increase your notoriety, there are many solutions available to you, whether on the web or offline!

On the one hand, you can prepare a press campaign. We recommend that you start by writing a solid press release based on your activity (local press, online media or even television news) and listing the various relevant media to contact.

To increase your chances of getting your mobile app known, we also recommend you to create a paid advertising campaign. For this, you can set up traffic campaigns on Google Ads and Facebook Ads.

Finally, there is another effective solution available to you: influencer marketing campaigns. They will allow you to promote your mobile application through Youtubers or influencers by reaching many potential users.

Step 10: Ask for Consumer Feedback

Once your product is online on the Google Play Store and/or App Store, user reviews, especially during the initial phase, will provide valuable information for you to optimize your application.
You will get to know about the changes or improvements to be made to your product. Remember to provide in-use notifications, inviting mobile users to rate and leave a comment on your application.
Also don’t overlook ASO (App Store Optimization) so that your app can be easily found and downloaded by users.

Our tips for making your mobile app faster

Ready to launch your own mobile app? What if you skipped the steps of hiring a freelance mobile developer? allows you to place an ad to get quotes from freelance mobile developers. Compare quotes, discuss with developers to find the service provider that best suits your project and get started!

Find a mobile developer now on

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