
Working from home: pros and cons

Since the health crisis, it has become common for many employees and managers to work from home. While some have become accustomed to it and telework appears attractive at first glance because of its practical side and the search for a better balance between personal and professional life, it is not always viable for our daily lives…

Savings for both sides?

One of the first benefits of working from home is measured saving terms, You can actually deduct all travel-related costs to reach your workplace, which you support in half. However, many expenses sometimes remain non-refundable, such as costs related to consumables (paper, ink, electricity, etc.) that offset these. It should be noted that employees are no longer required to invest in a “special work” wardrobe, which represents savings and some even do away with the cost of childcare. This is above all important to the company as many of them have reduced their surface area because they work in shifts or have simply removed the premises. These are not limited to rent as savings are everywhere (electricity, water fountain, coffee, telephone, internet, heating, etc.). However, it should be noted that companies often have to equip employees, even though these investments should quickly prove profitable over time. Other travel costs What was earlier required for the employee to go to his workplace is no longer present. Business owners no longer have to worry about car usage, fuel, potential toll charges, parking fees and the cost of a company car. Or, especially for Parisians, the cost of your Navigo Pass or tickets allowing the use of public transportation.

Many other benefits of telecommunications

while working from home, concept of flexibility Understood. Most companies leave their employees free to set their own schedule and choose their own working hours. Nothing prevents them from sleeping or working late evenings or on weekends, even though this was already the case for many people brought home to work. This freedom of organization gives them the right to pick up their children after school or take a nap at will, as they deem fit.

personal comfort Because you can also adjust the lighting, put yourself at ease by choosing your posture, be free to choose the mood that suits you. This is how you can optimize your environment as it suits you to be the most productive as well as the most satisfied. You can even afford the luxury of working in the countryside. If not already, you will gain in quality of life! There is no need to plan margins for arriving on time to work and wasting time getting ready or doing makeup. Adopting pajama style is no longer a myth! Closeness to family is also an advantage for those who do not live alone. The convenience of being at home with your family, your kids is especially comforting. This is how you ensure them a permanent or semi-permanent presence so that they can strengthen family ties. No more “You are coming home late … dinner is in the microwave, I have already given time …” is coming from your dear and gentle.

stress is greatly reduced , However, you still have the stress of running your business. As is the case in Paris, traffic jams especially associated with rush hour generate anti-producer tensions. This stress makes your employees unhappy at their workplace. They’re already tired before they even start work, and it’s not going to get better as the day goes by. Not only that as well as running in the morning so you don’t arrive late for the meetings because you are already there! One less dose of daily stress!

quietly installed at home, You avoid unnecessary distractions Other employees, unnecessary interruptions, etc. Your new environment is immune to all of this. So they are sometimes more efficient and yield gains in productivity.

they live In terms of your health too! Travels to go to their workplace include stress, fatigue, nervousness… their physical and mental health is affected. The time left by the end of the trip allows you to practice a sporting activity (often neglected due to lack of time) to relieve stress and decompress.

A Life Choice Isn’t Always Suitable

not always with family, deprived of his colleagues and employees, You are differentYou eat alone. This feeling of isolation and loneliness can be synonymous with depression. The workplace is often assimilated into a place of exchange and socialization. Many people consider the workplace a privileged place for the opportunity to meet people, make friends, or otherwise. By working from home, they must use creativity to maintain their social relationships, meet new people and stay in touch (business incubators, consulting companies, clients, banks). it can lead to isolation a separation from the development of society that drives significant change (the new competitive intelligence).

Although managed to get rid of Entertainment Relative to your workplace, you still have belongings to your family, ie: your children, family, friends. With you, there are many temptations. You should then establish rules, especially for children, and let them know about your unavailability during their work hours. It becomes even more difficult to fully dedicate oneself to one’s work when there are household chores going on (cleaning, DIY, shopping, watching the kids). It is recommended to install an organized and ergonomic corner for working in good conditions. Ideally, you would have a room dedicated exclusively to your work. Working from home requires a certain organization and above all self-discipline. Working at home requires good self-control so as not to succumb to temptations symbolized by the distractions that exist. The fact of not having a fixed schedule can induce total disorganization that can cause your activity to lose performance (loss of contracts, delays).

However, we must stay Inspire throughout his working life. There is a really high risk that your employees will not be able to separate professional and personal life. It is important for this type of work not to let your personal life affect your professional life. Be careful not to fall behind in work due to a personal event. To work effectively, rigor and discipline are required.

Place of work and place of residence each have their own specifications, it is advisable to take separate insurance and Properly protect confidential business data,

Another point to consider Management. It is very different when they are in contact with their managers than when they are at home. Staying at home creates a sense of abandon and independence for your employees. So it is still necessary to make them responsible for not seeing the decline in the production of the company. It is often necessary to set up regular videoconferencing meetings for proper monitoring of the progress of various projects. Also, remember to stop by from time to time to stay in touch with the company environment. It is often more difficult to feel from afar. And some topics are sometimes only discussed if you are present.

Employee training is even more difficult to be done remotely. You are actually less “accessible” and some questions will not be asked to you when they could have been. Sometimes it’s easier to show an employee how to do it than to go through a virtual explanation or email.

The choice between advantages and disadvantages is yours!

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