
What does SEO mean? What do you want to know?

SEO is an abbreviation for “Search Engine Optimization”, in other words “Optimization for Search Engines” in French. These are ways to get better indexed by search engines (like Google), in other words tips to make your website appear in the first results. Yes, but what exactly is involved?

So understanding the meaning of SEO is not difficult but its application requires a lot of rigor. Here are some basics if you want to improve your SEO.

Optimize the loading time of your pages

If there’s one thing that Internet users and search engines don’t like, it’s a long loading time for your pages. Needless to say, if it takes more than a few seconds to display, they won’t hesitate to close your page. For this, you should pay attention to the quality of your image and should not put too heavy as far as possible. The loading times of your pages can certainly be improved by an optimized structure of your site, but also by a better quality or dedicated server. The software exists to evaluate your loading times, but if you want to optimize it from the start, you can call in an expert who will guide you on the modifications to be made and tell you what to do with SEO. What does it mean to understand the meaning?

Convert your site to Responsive Design

Today traffic comes as much from a fixed computer as it does from a mobile. In some countries, mobile traffic already exceeds desktop or tablet traffic. As this figure is only increasing, it is strongly advised to make sure to keep smartphone browsing in mind from the very beginning. Internet users won’t stay on your site if it’s difficult to navigate, if they have to zoom in manually or if the content is slow to download because it’s designed for fast connections like fiber. Responsive prompts you to work on your menus, your images and not text a lot knowing that reading time is often shorter on a mobile than on a computer.

write quality content

If you don’t follow this SEO advice you don’t need to pay attention to the meaning of SEO: Create quality content over quantity. Search engines analyze everything that happens on your site, and in particular the time Internet users spend reading your articles. If your content is not quality, your readers will not stay and come back to your page as long, which is not good for your business even outside of SEO. Producing qualitative content not only allows you to improve your SEO but also allows you to increase the number of fans on social networks and bring back potential Internet users who like your content. So don’t neglect quality in favor of quantity.

use keywords

When we think in terms of SEO and we look at the meaning of SEO, we quickly understand that part of the work is to work on the fact of inserting the expressions that your internet users will type into search engines when they Will be looking for information. , So the question to ask is what your target will type into search engines to arrive at an offer like yours. Your goal is not necessarily to sell your service but to attract a certain target and so you should think like that in terms of requests. It is not necessarily a question of keeping the most commonly used expressions as competition can be strong but of finding a proper balance. Therefore, some people prefer to use the word “trend” when writing. They are much more likely to find themselves in competition with more powerful sites and that will leave their site far behind in positioning on search engines.

keep good frequency

A site that doesn’t run will often be more difficult to index than a site that doesn’t run. Quite simply because Google believes that your articles should be up to date. It is also up to your readers to avoid as much as possible that the content becomes stale and it is a relative belief in updating your articles. Even if you won’t be able to keep them all up to date, it’s a question of working as much on your old articles as on your new ones. Google especially appreciates the age of pages to rank your page and hence should not be neglected especially when your article base becomes substantial. If you only have a short time to do it yourself, don’t hesitate to apply from time to time to do a retroplanning for example a publication or to feed your site regularly. Do it.

Backlinks are links coming to your site, in other words those that point to you from a site. The basic technique is to create a blog that redirects to your website, especially if it is not made to host content. Other methods are used to get backlinks and especially to be present in directories or to contact bloggers or sites in your area to talk about you. The more powerful the site you are pointing, the better Google will refer to your page. Be careful because only link building sites often bring nothing and may even damage your context, so here again, favor quality over quantity.

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