
Tips for using hashtags well

Whether or not your activity is connected to the Internet, you understand that being present on a social network is an important issue for your company. Observe trends in your area, present your products or services, build or protect your e-reputation and engage in conversations with your customers and prospects. You can do all this through Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other social networks, but are you sure you know how to optimize your presence on these networks and make your messages visible?

The number one mistake businesses often make is misusing hashtags (or worse, not using them at all). Follow our advice on how to choose them and use them to your advantage.

What is hashtag?

A hashtag is a keyword (“hash”) in front of a keyword (“hash” in English, “tag”), a “hashtag” or “hashtag” added to your publications on the social network to be accessible to all interested users. Provide convenience, even outside your network.

Whether you’re looking for documentation on a topic or to get to know those interested in it better, click the word turned into a hypertext link or search for it in the search bar to access all the data.

In early 2015, the hashtag #JeSuisCharlie was able to spark international mobilization around the Paris attacks, becoming one of the most popular hashtags on Twitter according to Philippe Guerrier. Hashtags launched by television channels or show promoters on their pages promote viral brand communication.

Launched on Twitter in 2007, the use of hashtags is now spreading to other social networks: Facebook since 2013, but also Instagram, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest, etc.

How to use hashtags?

A 2012 Buddy Media study surveyed brands for their engagement on Twitter. This study shows that using hashtags generates twice as much engagement from internet users. Hashtags are usually placed at or near the end of the message for better readability, but it is advisable to use a maximum of 2-3 (watch out for “spam”!), except on Instagram where a dozen are tolerated. .

This involves selecting the most relevant and popular hashtags based on your goals.

some examples

• Company name + activity + location introduces you to local customers of the future.
• A retweet or link to your website + an “activity” hashtag presents you as an expert; The same hashtags allow you to analyze customer expectations and observe the competition
• Using the same hashtag on different networks grows your audience
• Monitoring what people are saying about your brand helps prevent crises.
To choose the right hashtags, it is important to check acceptance in the application’s search engine and identify popular hashtags on After this, you will be able to monitor their development on

Using Twitter and Hashtags for Marketing

Particularly transparent, powerful and disaggregated, Twitter is adapted to the needs of companies. Since January 2014, the microblogging platform has offered several search options in addition to those already offered by hashtags. Filters (by person, media, etc.), powerful search operators (especially in geolocation) or an advanced search module allow VSE-SMEs to use the data contained in 500 million Tweets per day for marketing purposes.

Here is an overview of hashtag publications on Instagram in 2020

  1. #love (1.7 billion posts)
  2. #Instagood (1.1 billion posts)
  3. #photooftheday (763 million posts)
  4. #beautiful (639 million posts)
  5. #happy (564 million posts)
  6. #picoftheday (551 million posts)
  7. #photography (537 million posts)
  8. #nature(494 million posts)
  9. #Instagram (439 million posts)
  10. #food (376 million posts)

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