
Start-ups that open up new opportunities

Start-ups have a prolific imagination, but in the beginning, the idea is always to simplify processes, make services accessible, within reach of everyone, as well as protect companies and the planet, and often with a few clicks. it happens.

sHift Technology, Insurers’ Partner in the Fight Against Fraud

Evaluation of May 2021

Shift Technology is developing a platform to detect fraudulent insurance claims.

Shift Technology, founded in 2014 by David Durleman, Jeremy Jovish and Eric Siboni, now employs over 350 people, and generates 60% of their business internationally. It provides a fraud detection solution using artificial intelligence. It was previously devoted to optimizing claims management, or detecting fraud before it could detect financial crimes. It also developed automation of claims management and crime detection for all insurance players. It aims to make France a leader in the issues of datascience dedicated to the insurance sector. The health crisis has puzzled its outlook as its process is indexed in the number of accidents and claims. However, among other things, there has been a steep decline in accidents because of imprisonment. As a result, it found new opportunities in multi-product investment by placing AI at the center of customer service and decided to industrialize its process. There is no doubt that his new approach will open new horizons for him.

“Our ambition is to create the largest artificial intelligence research center in France dedicated to insurance. That is, over 300 data scientists who will do the same. This will allow for a more robust commercial penetration into our markets, especially in the United States. This transformation of K requires a lot of investment…”

Jeremy Javish, Co-Founder of Shift Technology

Vestiaire Collective, Sustainable development at the heart of its strategy

Assessment March 2021

The world’s leading retailer of luxury clothing and accessories, Vestiaire Collective was founded in October 2009 by Sophie Herson and Fanny Moisant.

The group doubled its transaction volume in 2020 and crossed the 11 million member limit. The COVID crisis has been a driving force for its activity, carried out by young people who are committed to a more sustainable fashion to protect the planet. Its fundraising total amounted to $397 million. Environmental concerns are essential and individuals want to consume better and prefer old new clothes or get high end clothes at affordable prices.

“The idea of ​​founding my business came to my mind during a business creation course. The teacher gave us a little trick to find an idea: He advised us to work on our dissatisfaction. In fact, he invited us to write down the little problems of daily life in a small notebook every day, what frustrates us, bothers us, bothers us, that we miss, etc. According to him by doing this we will be able to identify the needs from which the business can emerge! I began to put this advice into practice, until that day, reading a press article in 2008, I came across fashion bloggers who, in a bid to ease their problem of fashion consumption, posted those clothes on their blogs. Started selling, which are no longer there. Worn. But I found their process complicated. I recognized this discontent and the idea of ​​offering a platform to give visibility to all these women struck me as an interesting concept. The idea for the Vestiaire Collective was born around this time. ,

Fanny Moizant, Founder of Collective Locker Rooms

United Credit, an innovative and efficient lending platform

Rating September 2020

UnitedCredit, a start-up allows you to collect savings from individuals or professional investors through its platform. It’s free or companies like Microsoft also provide this solution.

Created in 2009 by Charles Egli, Geoffroy Guigou and Thomas Baylot United Credits, under the name Prat de Union, opened to the public in December 2011. It has a license “as a bank” of a credit institution. She also works with Apple and financial institutions such as Orange Bank and Lydia Payments Apps. It is through its services that Free can offer its customers to reduce their payment for the purchase of Freebox Delta (480 euros at launch). It also provides its services to financial institutions like Fortuneo, HSBC France. The fintech claims to lend 2.6 billion euros through 500,000 operations in the five countries where it operates: France, Germany, Spain, Italy and Portugal.

“Our ambition is to revolutionize consumer credit in Europe. The credit analysis technologies we have developed greatly simplify online subscriptions, and an ultra-fast response to requests for financing between €1,000 and €40,000 We are the only retail lending platform in Europe to have its own credit institution authorization.”

United Credit co-founder Geoffrey Guigou

IAD, a real estate network without agencies

Rating September 2020

A real estate network without agencies, specializing in real estate transactions. First network of consultants and agents in terms of number of property offers.

Founded in 2008 by Malik Benrejdal, Jerome Chabin and Jade Benrejdal, this real estate network is composed exclusively of independent sales agents and is based on 3 pillars: Entrepreneurship, Digital and Network Marketing. IAD has embraced a new way of looking at the world of real estate thanks to an innovative model based on the dematerialization of the physical real estate agency. Sales agents work from their homes and rely on new technologies to exercise their profession. Thus, they improve the quality of service provided to their customers and offer competitive rates suited to the market. iad presents a new form of work organization: the model provides an opportunity for everyone to build their own business while being supported. All IAD consultants benefit from a thorough training course as per the Alur Law. It has 300 employees and about 15,000 real estate agents.

“The Covid period, for us, was rather favourable, and especially during confinement: our agents, who worked at home, moved without much trouble during this period, unlike, perhaps, real estate negotiators. Used to work in an agency” previously adding: “Our agents, who are also entrepreneurs, have shown great resilience in the face of crisis. And all are able to rely on a strong general mobilization of the entire network during these months.” IAD is one big family, where mutual aid is not an empty word.”

Clement Delpirou, IAD . Group General Manager of

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