
SIRET Number: What is its use and how to get it?

The terminology of SIRET Number, SIREN, Kbis Extract, Company Registration is sometimes quite succinct. It also gives rise to many confusions, especially between the different numbers assigned. APE CODE, SIRET, NAF CODE, SIREN, etc. Multiple figures for a single operation! To help you find your way, take a look at the SIRET number, its usefulness, and how to get it.

What is SIRET Number?

The SIRET number corresponds to the geographical indication of an establishment. The acronym also stands for Installation Directory Identification System. And unlike the siren with which it is often confused, it is associated with an address and not a company. This is also the major difference between SIRET and SIREN.

This means that if your company has multiple establishments then you can have only one SIREN number but can have multiple SIRET numbers. The utility of SIRET is then to be able to distinguish them from each other and, for administration, clearly identify them.

A SIRET is a series of 14 numbers, composed of:

  • 9 points of the siren;
  • 5 digit NIC (Internal Classification Number) code. This is what allows you to identify your business geographically. And so it varies when you change your domicile address or your different places of practice.

The SIRET is assigned to you by INSEE, on the registration of the company for head office, then on each announcement of the opening of establishments.


Each company receives its own SIRET number after registration with the Registry or CFE (Center de Formalités des Entreprises). In fact, to get a SIRET number, you must first have a legal entity. That is why you will receive it by post approximately 7 days after your registration file is processed. Depending on the legal form of your business, this appears to be:

Unions receive their SIRET number after registering with the prefecture under a 1901 law.

Where can I get the company’s SIRET?

SIRET is a piece of legal information that a company must include in all of its documents, just like intra-community VAT numbers. Therefore you will find it on the website on invoices, quotes, but also on payment slips, contracts or legal notices.

If you want to quickly find SIRET of a company, or want to get Kbis, you can search on Infogreffe. The French court registry site provides you with a SIRET search engine with several criteria to identify a company: name, manager’s name, or field of activity, for example.

This search engine is also useful if you want to check a company’s SIRET number to make sure it exists.

Example of SIRET Number

You are a moving company and you have 4 establishments all over France. The SIRET of your head office can be:

  • 838,289,401,01;
  • 838 289 401 is your siren;
  • and 001 your NIC code.

3 For other installations, the SIRET can be broken down as follows:

  • 838,289,401,002 for the first installation;
  • 838,289,401,010 for the second installation;
  • and 838,289,401,028 for the final installation.

The SIREN remains unchanged, and the NIC code varies according to the municipality where your company is established.

general question

What is the difference between SIRET and SIREN?

The SIREN number designates the company while the SIREN number specifies the geographical indication of each establishment. SIRET is also made of SIREN + NIC.


To search by company name, go to the infogriffe site.

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