
Siren Number: What is its use and how to get it?

As the first identification number given to you, the siren is the subject of many questions. What exactly is it, what is it for, how to get it, why, etc. , So many questions that deserve answers! So here is everything you need to know about Siren Numbers.

What is the siren number?

SIREN number is a company identification number. It also means “company identification system”. Unlike SIRET, SIREN is unique and associated with the company as it serves to clearly identify it. This is the main difference between SIRET and SIREN. Associations are also assigned a siren number after registering with the prefecture.

SIREN number is made up of 9 random digits specified by INSEE. The first 8 digits have no meaning, but the last one corresponds to the key that allows validating the whole siren.

good to know

Only public entities have a SIREN that must begin with 1 or 2.

From its creation to its dissolution, SIREN helps the company grow: relocation of registered office, arrival or departure of partners, capital addition or even modification of corporate objective. It’s like their social security number.

siren example

765 432 981

How to get siren number?

A siren is assigned to each company upon registration. And all legal forms are concerned: Whether you open a self-employed company, a SARL, a SAS or even a sole proprietorship, INSEE gives you a siren to identify you. Thus, in order to obtain a SIREN number, you only need to file a registration file with the Registry or CFE (Center de Formalités des Entreprises). You will then receive your siren within ten days. You get it by either:

As your Company Identification Number, SIREN serves as the basis for obtaining other Company Identification numbers: SIRET, RCS, or even Intra-Community VAT Number.

good to know

You can start practicing your activity while you’re waiting for your siren, all you need to do is indicate “During registration (your legal form)” on your documents.

Where and why can I get the company’s SIREN number?

Now that you know what SIREN is and how to get it, let’s look at why to find a company’s SIREN and where to find it.

to identify a company

As mentioned earlier, the siren allows you to identify a company. It’s easy to find. This is a mandatory legal notice, that is, it must appear on all official documents: statutes, invoices, quotes, contracts, websites, etc.

If you do not have access to these elements, you can search on search engines in the SIRENE database provided by INSEE free of charge. By company name, by its manager name, or by its address, you can easily find the SIREN number of any company in France.

To check the validity of the siren number

Now you know how to identify a company and find its siren, so why investigate? To fight against frauds and scams. In fact, each SIREN is unique and disappears at the same time as the company it is associated with. However, some people do not hesitate to use “obsolete” sirens to make fraudulent transactions.

So there is a need to be cautious. Whether it is a potential partner, a service provider, or even just an individual purchase, it is important to check the existence and legality of a siren. To do this, you can cross-reference the information and include closed establishments in your research with INSEE.

If someone gives you a siren relating to a closed company or it is completely different from the SIRET or the intra-community VAT number provided, there is definitely a problem!

general question

What is the difference between SIRET and SIREN?

SIRET indicates the geographical location of establishments of a single company, so there may be several. SIREN identifies the COMPANY and remains a unique number.

How to change your siren number?

it’s not possible. Only the death of the sole shareholder or the closure of the company will result in the deletion of the SIREN number.

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