
One-stop shop: All procedures will be available on June 30, 2023

In 2019, the state announced that all processes related to the management of a company would be done through a generalized site: the One-Stop Shop for Companies. The project, provided for by the Pact Act of 2019 and managed by the National Industrial Property Institute (INPI), was launched on January 1, 2023. Its main purpose: to simplify and speed up processes. However, since the beginning, several malfunctions were identified, as well as a cyber attack, forcing the government to reopen other existing management channels. This is the case for Infograph, for example, so the companies had to be put back into service in February to ensure administrative formalities. In fact, only new business registrations appeared to work correctly through the One-Stop Shop.

On Tuesday, June 20, almost 6 months after the launch, the government announced through a press release that several technical improvements have been made to the system with the aim of strengthening security and performance. Changes have also been made to the user interface to optimize processing time. Even though nearly 700,000 formalities were filed through Guichet Unique (including 630,000 commercial productions), it now has to live up to its promise as a 360 tool. In fact, beyond business creation, all formalities such as cessation of activity, change of natural and legal persons or filing of accounts must be done on this site. All these works can be done from June 30, assures the state. Furthermore, to complement the project, the One-Stop Shop’s governance has been redesigned, with the aim of guaranteeing the participation of all actors involved in the smooth operation of the service (INSEE, Urssaf, partner ministries, MSA , DGFIP, consular network or organizations representing companies and their agents). INPI remains a one-stop-shop operator.

“This new organization will be responsible for ensuring the proper functioning of the single window in all its components, ensuring continuous improvement of the user experience and preparing the future development of the window, together with INPI, the operator of the one-stop shop ” Says the government.

In the event that new bugs arise, the state will also keep other existing solutions open until December 31, 2023 for certain administrative formalities, such as filing paper forms with Guichet Enterprises as well as the commercial courts registry.

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