
local store

Local shops are known to be the source of friendly relations in the neighbourhood. According to some, they allow one to break through the loneliness in this world where human relationships pass through the veil. They weave an economic fabric that allows the surrounding environment to find local employment. What is the matter after all?

According to the Odoxa study for Episerie, with the health crisis in April 2022, almost 1 in 2 French people strengthened their ties with local food stores (45%) and 84% of them say they connected Has happened. Local merchants are very popular: 9 out of 10 French people have a good reputation for each of their trades. As far as products are concerned, their offer of fresh and seasonal products is satisfactory (88%), but they charge a “high” price, according to 8 out of 10 French people (78%) making it difficult to renew their offer are not, are not very innovative (52%) and do not always know how to properly promote their products and their knowledge (51%). With regard to job and mission, they are a major player in local mobility (89%), they provide personalized customer service (79%) but they are not yet digital (62%).

The French are attached to the local shops but they know they have to suit their current lifestyle.

What are the professions admired by the French?

French and local shop bakeries are still popular but the finding is that there is a shortage of fishmongers and 41% regret the lack of bookstores, according to the regional press of the BVA Observatory – Daily Life. On top of the local shops where the French most often visit 62%, the distance from the bakery home satisfies more than nine out of ten people with respect to 93%. One thing to note with the survey is that all businesses combined, the French travel an average of 5.7 kilometers to visit their general stores, which is far from trivial and therefore the impact on the environment is not negligible!

What are the wishes regarding local stores?

With regard to delivery services, 51% of French people say they are interested in developing delivery services in local stores, with smartphones taking the dominant position 47% faster. The French, on the other hand, are 54% opposed to the development of automatic checkout in most convenience stores.

For example, more and more mobile applications, such as “Yuka”, are being built to scan the composition of products using barcodes. Today 2 out of 10 French people say they use it and almost 3 out of 10 say they are interested in using it.

Finally, the majority of French people (59%) who go to a convenience store have a loyalty card, including about a third who also have several (32%).

What do the French think about desertification?

In a recent survey conducted by Opinionway for Asterop, a consulting firm and supplier, 82% of French people note that more and more local stores are forced to close and 80% of respondents believe that has declined because of the difficulties of the city centres. local shops. On the other hand, 76% of them wish they had a greater variety of shops where they live, a sign that the city center is still an iconic place.

And in the future?

To conclude the survey, OpinionWay asked respondents to comment on what they expect from their traders in the future. It appears that buying directly from producers or markets is also popular. Good intentions conducive to the good future of independent local business. Local merchants must adapt their offers and services to new consumer trends, but consumers must come back to shop in the city center to create a new way of life!

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