
leader, a transverse function

Building a business often involves being versatile and doing almost all of the tasks yourself. When creating or taking over a company, it’s not uncommon to have at the same time: the manager, product designer, salesperson, communicator or even the cleaning guy… If your company develops, you should gradually Have to recruit service providers and employees to be able to meet your needs. Note this transversal function that belongs to Business Manager.

definition ?

The exact definition of the functions of the head of the company does not really exist. In fact, it would be simple to reduce some trivialities or draw a standard diagram and it would certainly be closed in clichés which is hardly the subject of this dossier. If we agree on criteria such as that a leader must be curious and open-minded, on the essential qualities of any conductor and on his mission which is to guide his company towards success and hence a short term, medium term and long run For is-term vision, it seems clear that we are clinging to the generalist ideas that everyone can put forward. However, the size of the company’s structure along with the activity provides the mission that would be suited to the growth of this and hence the manager would have to change to the multi-functional company manager, i.e. “all-in-one”, to smaller structures. As a customary, leader able to understand all positions and sectors, while selecting talents that will allow his company to grow at an exponential rate.

essential roles

The leader is first of all the one who has a vision and who chooses a rhythm to implement it. He believes in his project, but also anticipates its realization in the future. The leader is above all a strategist, whether alone or with colleagues. This strategic function lies in its role. He has a concept that he shares with his partners (shareholders, suppliers, etc.) Must be expert.


Regardless of the size of the company, they are often considered first commercialIts structure and the first manager, as we like it or not, his ability to analyze key elements of the company and its environment enable him to make the necessary choices and decisions. In order to gain the support of all, it is often necessary to develop solid self-confidence, which is achieved through unmistakable expertise in many of the company’s activities. If at the start of the company, he works alone or with a partner and with few financial, logistics or human resources and therefore combines all the functions: accounting, sales, production, distribution, communication, cleaning, garbage bins, his Will be led to delegate as business grows. But this experience of taking care of everything will become a real asset, as it forces him to identify his strengths and weaknesses, but also those areas where additional help is necessary and is not the result of preconceived ideas, leading to He is allowed to search. His ability to manage recruiters, service providers, suppliers as well as internal associates simultaneously. It is revealing her limits, encouraging her to look for ideas not only to complement her, but also to find talents that open up an optimistic future for her.

identify all tasks

Of course having all the skills would be ambitious. You can’t be the best everywhere and know how to do everything better than everyone else. However, leading a team can quickly become difficult if you have no idea what it does, or how. The business manager must understand the extent of the work of his colleagues, as he will be able to anticipate difficulties, not only to evaluate the time taken to perform a task, but also to evaluate its cost, help if necessary. will be able to do or change. Even if you don’t need to master the smallest details in everything, it’s still a question of having an open mind and acuriosityWhich allows you to have an overview of each situation. If necessary you will also be able to determine the missing information/task to train your teams. If social networks aren’t your primary interest, it’s essential to understand how they work and how companies use these new communication tools to grow their e-reputation. The quality of a leader is to observe and analyze, asking expert people to share their knowledge, their experience, their failures … in order not to fall into the same errors that are fatal to the company.

Looking for Innovations to Stay Innovative

The leader encourages employees to complete new projects. So he is not satisfied with his achievements and knowledge which he has won on his laurels, but he is innovative and looking for new opportunities. Thus the task evolves over time and new projects that you want to develop or that will come your way. For example, if you want to launch a website or develop it, it is necessary to collect information to build a site that will attract customers and never be satisfied with the advice of a single service provider whose interests are is yours. Propose or dismiss your own preconceived ideas. A company’s human and financial resources are often limited, and the only solution available is usually its leader who implements innovative ideas. It is therefore necessary to research innovations to make it possible for a company to be sustainable and therefore to constantly monitor, but also to wonder about their implementation and the pitfalls that can be difficult obstacles.

top finance man

The leader often has another shadow function, but oh so important: that of the financier. To raise funds or attract the attention of partners, he often has to “sell” his vision and master the tools necessary to uncover its viability. To survive or grow, it often has to find sufficient financial resources and persuade people for the excellent functioning of its business model. Whether you are at the initial financing stage (prem money, honorary loans, bank loans, subsidies, contests, crowdfunding, etc.), in the start-up stage (business angels, investment funds, etc.) or even with venture capital Development. Money, he will often be in charge of this complex and difficult communication. This financial role continues in the release stages or even in the interpretation of accounts when balance sheets and other financial results are released. Based on his analysis, he will be able to anticipate, identify a strategy commensurate with his resources and above all optimize the future. presentations during entrepreneurial competitionWe often focus on the financial aspect to select the successful candidate. A project with fictitious figures has little chance of getting the support of a jury.

The article The Leader, a Transversal Function first appeared on

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