
Is Your Information System Really Professional?

The Internet is full of hundreds of do-it-all apps and services for running a business. Two big questions usually arise when we talk about an information system (IS): should you leave your colleagues – and yourself – free to choose the tools they like and the way they suits? Is such freedom in line with the company’s imperatives of sustainability and data security?

an example of a fault

Sometimes it happens that a chartered accountant and an entrepreneur who compare their figures on sales figures for the period or the amounts owed by customers do not come to an agreement. Obviously, everyone treats the data from their systems as accurate: accounting software for one, commercial management databases for another. In this case, in the end, it’s usually simple: we can say that accounting is standardized and commercial management doesn’t always happen and accounting will eventually become law, but sometimes it just forgets to attribute an invoice. which may distort the situation. Above all, things are not always that simple.

Trust Doesn’t Exceed Control

There are real nuggets in those applications that allow accounting or commercial management, or even company reporting. That’s great: There’s no potential excuse to justify a lack of follow-up in your box, because there’s a tool for everything. Even the most independent minds will develop an internal information system without breaking the bank.

From invoicing to accounting, from inventory monitoring to reporting and pipeline management, everything is within the reach of all budgets. Each medal has its reverse, it is advisable to avoid some pitfalls. For reliable management, it is better not to attempt to reinvent the wheel. Strategies based on projected data means missing out on opportunities for growth or, conversely, failing to anticipate difficulties.

Beware the “Pull the Blanket to You” Reflex

It is a logical temptation to let everyone use the application of their choice, as everyone is supposed to be an expert in their situation. Distrust: This is not because a so-called “collaborative work” tool makes data available to those who share it, that it is relevant, up-to-date and understandable. Avoiding clutter requires minimal thinking and collective processes, with each user naturally tempted to update only the information they need on their own.

an IS. the development of

First, it is necessary to differentiate between gadgets and services that are successful, reliable, secure and scalable. It’s a difficulty: knowing we need a tracking tool is one thing, but using it often allows us to verify whether the app chosen meets our needs… or not.

Beyond a good interface and attractive price, it is essential to examine the consistency of the data and the ergonomics of the software package and try to bring together transversal skills to answer the following questions:

• Does the integration of software generated data and summary reports (input and output) meet the overall needs of the company?

• Will everyone involved be able to use this information system effectively to do their job?

• How will there be continuous monitoring of the accuracy of the data collected using the application and data security? Who will take responsibility for internal controls?

To take the example of the discrepancy in sales figures between the accountant and the invoicing department, the company could have brought accountants and sales administration together over the development of IS, and automatically established a permanent process to analyze and correct discrepancies. Could. Statistics of its commercial management and accounting software.

a single database is so much better

Business management, internal controls and accurate reporting are always facilitated when a single database is operated and secured by a single responsible individual who has a cross-functional view of the needs of different business functions.

A long-term strategic vision should encourage you to strive towards this objective. Naturally, such implementation requires investment, especially in time. It will take some time to build the database, which is going well, but the bet may be worth the effort as the time savings can be significant in the long term.

Discipline Your Creative Spirit: Management Is a Matter of “Standards”

When it comes to numbers, originality doesn’t pay off. The adoption of widely distributed software is still recommended in a large number of companies. In-house software in small companies is often developed in a hurry, without overall specifications. Their “user” interface and “output” they produce are sometimes mediocre and data consistency checks are non-existent. With a home-made and poorly documented computer tool, you complicate the task of outside help you’ll need sooner or later. Chartered accountants, consultants and trainers of all kinds don’t appreciate having your house cleaned before you can really benefit from their skills.

Lastly and above all, a reliable information system strengthens a company’s credibility with its customers, its suppliers and its bankers or shareholders. There is always no information like accurate and intelligently provided information to deliver a lasting professional image. We live in a world of service where the best professional may be outplayed by a less talented but better organized competitor.

Deficiencies in management are the cause of many business bankruptcies. Without considering the worst, due to the lack of reflection on the implementation of a professional information system, one day or another we will lose time and sometimes our nerves, when it is necessary to start managing the company “by the line”, Controlling both is necessary to live with the stress of growth and cash-flow if necessary.

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