
Investor/Project Leader Networking Platform

Make Your Choice! Now nothing works! Identify the platform that suits you! Some platforms may be intended for more than one type of project.

solidarity forum

Babylon: Leading European Solidarity microcredit site. The borrower sets the loan amount and receives monthly repayments once the project is fully funded.

Micro World: Solidarity microcredit platform for the fight against poverty and the development of the local economy. With as little as €20, individuals, professionals and foundations can support micro-entrepreneurial projects around the world.

kunvi , Microcredit platform that provides financial support for solidarity projects around the world.

Tudigo (formerly Bulb in Town), local crowdfunding platform. It is dedicated to VSEs and SMEs that have a positive local impact (employment, environment, social relations, etc.) such as businesses, associations, industries, agricultural projects, etc. Since 2012, it has supported hundreds of project leaders in crowdfunding their entrepreneurial or collaborative projects.

loans between individuals

Hello Thank you: Platform for loans between individuals from €200 to €10,000. Repayable over a period of 1 month to 36 months, with an interest rate of 0%.

United Credit (via Union Loan) : The first personal credit platform in France. Borrowers are carefully selected, and investors can earn gross returns of 4 to 9% per annum.

business support forum

Investment Book: The first crowdfunding platform dedicated to corporate investment through bond subscription. This platform, approved by the Autorité des Marches Financiers, offers investments from €1,000 per person and per project. These financial investments allow high profitability due to the rate between 6% and 10% per annum.

October (Lendix): Platform that allows you to lend money to companies from 20 Euros and earn interest of 4 to 9%. October also offers a referral system. It allows the sponsor and the godson to earn 20 Euros when the godson has deposited a minimum of 500 Euros in his account.

VShareBond: Crowdfunding Platform through Lending. It is possible to lend money to companies from 50 Euros with interest rates ranging from 4 to 10% depending on the project. Loan repayment is usually monthly.

my options: Crowdfunding platform that lends money to companies to finance their projects. This is with a minimum of 50 Euros and with interest rates ranging from 4 to 12% per annum.

Project Support Platform

We do well: Crowdfunding Platform in Royalty. Each investor can invest from 10 Euros in the project of his choice. If the fundraising amount for the project is met, the investor receives royalties. In other words, one percent of the turnover of the company, every quarter for 5 years.

Ready: Crowdfunding platform that lends money to finance SME projects. The average interest rate is 8% with a minimum of 20 Euros.

worth: Crowdfunding Platform through Lending. On Prexem you can lend money to SMEs to help them finance their projects, in return you can expect to earn up to 10% interest. To invest on Prexem you need to deposit at least 100 Euros on the platform, and when supporting a project invest at least 20 Euros.

wedogood, a royalty crowdfunding platform that allows investors to back projects. In January 2016, it received approval from the Finance Innovation Competitiveness Cluster for its innovative and strategic nature of royalty financing. In 2017, he won the Fintech Favorite of the Year award.

kiosk to invest, a crowdfunding platform called CCI France, specializing in capital investments and loans in minibon. These allow individual investors (or companies) to support the development projects they finance. Kiosk to Invest operates throughout France to assist and support companies in raising funds.

Platform for Renewable Energy

Landopolis: Crowdfunding Platform through Lending. This makes it possible to participate in financing the development of projects on renewable energy, real estate projects, companies. The initial loan amount is from 20 Euro for a period of 2 to 5 years. The average yield is between 3 to 10.5% of gross interest per annum.

nerfip, a crowdfunding platform dedicated to the energy transformation that allows investors to invest their savings in renewable energy projects (solar, wind, hydraulic, biomass, marine energy, etc.), while benefiting from attractive remuneration. Enerfip is CIP approved with effect from 28 April 2015.

endosphereThe crowdfunding platform, created in 2014, is dedicated to sustainable development projects. On the Lendosphere site, individuals lend, with interest, to projects participating in the energy and ecological transition (renewable energy, circular economy, sustainable buildings, clean mobility, eco-technology, sustainable agriculture, etc.). Crowdfunding is an effective and direct lever to contribute to the development of projects that generate employment and wealth in the regions.

lumoAn investment platform created in 2012, responsible for renewable energy projects developed in partnership with local authorities. Lumo’s mission is to develop short-circuit citizen savings in service of the energy transition. It is Bcorp certified, an international label that signifies companies that serve the public interest by harmonizing financial, social and environmental objectives.

real estate platform

anaxago, a platform that invests in innovative companies. He is dedicated to real estate in search of financing and private investors who want to actively participate in their development. It is possible to become a shareholder from €1,000. The proposed projects are based on investment requests between €100,000 and €1 million.

behaviourAn equity crowdfunding platform that makes it possible to invest in the capital of start-ups and SMEs, but also to contribute to the financing of real estate programs.

innovation platform

SovefundA crowdfunding platform created in 2014 by a team of innovation financing and capital investment professionals, Sovefund is the first co-crowdfunding platform for innovative start-ups alongside industry professionals. Investments (Business Angels, VC).

finpalFormerly My New Startup, a national crowdfunding platform certified by AMF, with a mission to bring together innovative entrepreneurs, committed investors and finance projects to bring added value to the future.

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