
How to prepare for a debate?

Hosting a debate seems easy when you see a few meetings at a trade show or during a press conference, but when you find yourself hosting a debate, there are a few keys to having. Today, webinars or face-to-face conferences are multiplying and of course with questions and therefore answers from speakers who will try to win over their audience. For example, you may want to create an event aimed at entrepreneurs by inviting entrepreneurial personalities to discuss a topic with contributions from their experience. However, if you’ve ever been to an event like this, you’re afraid to go on the other side of the fence and be the facilitator. How to lead a debate? Debate requires preparation, organization, but above all the knowledge and interpersonal skills of the moderator.

Know how: Build your debate

You must prepare the topic of debate well Manage audience easily you will face The prerequisite of success is knowledge of the subject, which helps to remove any received ideas, prejudices and stereotypes that can be challenged and create a harmful environment. You must read the latest books or articles published on the subject. It is your role to give importance to the speakers but for this you must have prepared a detailed file on each biography, both personal and entrepreneurial.

  • Logically, send out invitations and schedule dates with enough time for attendees to be free on that day. Even if it seems obvious, don’t forget to specify the day, date, place, time, topic, and purpose of all debates, and most of all regularly call speakers to confirm that you’re on them. are trusting and settle some details to them.

Know how: Think about the role assigned to the participants

Think about and anticipate the issues that will be addressed.

Get information, self-document and organize your ideas according to a rigorous plan. Prepare questions and their answers in advance so that communication is fluid,

Let the participants express themselves and as a debate moderator, don’t be aggressive and above all don’t direct the debate in favor of a speaker: Fairness is one of the principles of the debate moderator.

Your role will be:

  • spread the word
  • let everyone express themselves
  • apply speaking time
  • structure and implement
  • To be a guarantor of respect and non-judgmental attitude.

Soft Skills: Manage Debate

You should introduce debate, and careful preparation because the first minutes are important: Introduce the guests and explain the topic addressed in a period that does not exceed 10 minutes. State the topic concisely and accurately to attract the attention of all participants. Allowing guests to interact with each other without interference, ask them their questions… as long as you don’t think it’s taking too long. Do not abruptly truncate a comment but bounce on a comment in order to conduct arbitration to move on to another question. When you feel the digression, don’t hesitate to recall the topic of the debate. Finish by briefly reproducing what has been presented. On the other hand, your ability to synthesize, improvise will be the major asset. Carry out your responsibilities till the end by presenting each participant One speech proficiency, The moderator’s role is to give momentum to the debate, improvise questions, and encourage participants’ intervention.

Pay attention to your behavior!

  • Maintain eye contact with the audience: Gaze
  • keep smiling
  • Be relaxed and enthusiastic: Attitude
  • Avoid nervous movements, do not skew an object: Gesture

Use different types of questions: open, closed, subjective, optional…

  • Simple question: what do you think…?
  • Riley Question: MX asks me this question, and you, Mr. Y., what do you think?
  • Question from all speakers (any): What do you think about what has just been said?
  • Mirror Question: (to the questioner) But MX himself, what do you think?

So, if you want to create an event and act as a host, then get ready because it is not an easy task. It takes time so don’t do it at the last minute… and invite the dynamic! It is our job to lead the debate.

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