
Have a vision for your business

There are 3 categories of business creators that stand out the most: those who create for money, those for freedom, and those who change the world. It is for this last category that we are particularly interested in this article because it is what often gets there.

But what is vision?

What we want from the vision is that a company is not just a well-oiled business plan. Obviously you have to know where you are going concretely and financially, what is the growth and in which direction. But the vision goes much further and is not limited to predicting what the company will be like in terms of sales or expenses over the next 10 years or even, as we often hear, the business it will realize .

Vision represents a kind of meta objective that guides all decisions, from the most trivial to the most concrete, that you will take for your business. It is this vision that will allow you to choose what is good, not what is easy. This is what allows you to persevere and recover from small setbacks.

Vision: An Instinctive Cause

Vision is the intuitive reason that drives you to set up a business project. Whether after the discovery of an opportunity, a threat to life or an internal rebellion, vision is the mission you attribute to yourself, the purpose of your project, the “big picture,” in short. This is the basic reason for the existence of the company.

And what is this vision made of? It is made of your desire to change the world! And so the real question is if you want to start defining it, how will my business change the world?

Vision is the beacon that guides the entrepreneur in the storm. It is made up of your values, your dreams, your desire to correct what is wrong in this world. And there is everything we can imagine: it could be to solve a concrete problem that poisons the existence of a range of people, gives people more joy, gives them comfort or challenges some great. solutions for which humanity has to face. As long as he serves others, there is no one else greater or more just. Ultimately, the vision is the idea of ​​placing your project at the service of the world, with consideration of how you can make it smarter, happier or more open. In other words, “You are worthless if you only serve yourself”.

All the small and big revolutions in our world have been started by people who had a vision. As Steve Jobs said: “The world changes only because of people who are crazy enough to think they can.”

And you, what is your vision?

Remember that as an entrepreneur you have immense opportunity and power to change what is wrong in this world. Seize it, believe in your ideal and turn it into an action plan. So let’s rephrase 4 questions:

  • What questions do you ask to define your vision?
  • What in the world is wrong and how can I change it?
  • What do I want to give to others?
  • What would I say to myself on my deathbed, given what I’ve done to my life?

We grant you, the deathbed image is always a little violent, but nothing is more effective today to motivate you to move on.

So, wherever you are in building your business, take 5 minutes to lift your nose off the handlebars and think about how your project could be useful to others. Then write it down, pin it somewhere visible, and you’ll know where to look whenever you have to make complex business decisions.

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