
French brands are on the rise

French brands, thanks to their undeniable assets, maintain consumer trust, but also because they meet their criteria. What are they ?

Top 30 – general ranking of brands 2023

The 2023 Observatory of Favorite French Brands shows us that the French are very attached to everyday brands, especially food brands, both sweet and savory:

Milkmaid is the big winner in 2023, and gets 3 places than in 2022. Thus it regained the No. 1 position tied with LU in 2017, which is second this year ahead of Lindt (3rd). It is the fruit of the renewal of the advertising saga that emphasizes the quality of the product and that specifies the area of ​​the brand’s authenticity: “It is great to have time” with La Latière.

Food Still Gives Little Way to the Top 30, 6 non-food brands now occupy the top 30, compared to 4 in 2022. The first non-food brand is Samsung, at 13th position, having gained 7 places. This is one of the most innovative brands this year for the French.

BIC (16th) and Borsin (28th) brands leading the way Into the hearts of the French by integrating to the top of the rankings this year.

another important study

On the occasion of its #Ça MARQUE event! Dedicated to brand and efficiency, which took place on Thursday 18 April, the UDA unveiled the results of a special Kantar study carried out for the UDA french faith across brands, on a representative national sample of the French population from March 11 to March 15.

Laurent Guillaume, managing director of the Kantar Group in France, highlighted the desire of the French to have responsible and transparent brands in favor of French brands: ” This study on trust not only highlights the strength of brands in the French environment, but also correlates with an ever-stronger demand that brands express meaning and greater commitment to their promises. For the companies that market them, there therefore needs to be a real centralization or re-focusing on the expectations of the customers/consumers and that the whole organization of the company, all its teams, its processes are really behind this objective. are aligned. A necessary condition for real and sustainable development! ,

Regional French brand, an unconditional link!

90% of consumers say they trust it french brand, Regional and local brands also top the list with a trust rate of 92%: a figure that follows with 22% of respondents saying their confidence has increased over the past five years.

What about international brands?

International brands are supported by only 56% of respondents and 37% say they have less trust in them than five years ago. It must be said that the discussions of which they have been the subject have, no doubt, lost their credibility. Consumers have become observant and pay attention to the information being broadcast.

Trust and quality, guarantor of brand reputation

There trust between consumers and brands And their transparent standards that honor their commitment are essential. Of course, consumers are attached to products and want their purchases to match what the brand promises (77%), but quality is an essential element: for 75% of them, product/service lifetime is the second most important trust criterion . In conclusion, we can see that quality is the guarantee of a lasting link between the consumer and the brand.


The French expect brands to communicate and act in full transparency (71%). 72% of the respondents also believe that they should be able to own up to their mistakes and apologise. They also want to be able to communicate with brands, for example being able to easily contact customer service (68%). Dialogue and exchange are important elements to keep in mind, but consumers do not want brands to interfere in their personal lives without consent (67%).

Attention !

Brands should focus on protecting personal data and taking prior consent.

French: a necessity for responsible brands

The French are more concerned with the norms of morality and responsibility. Moreover, more and more of them are changing their consumption patterns. Always more informed, they have new expectations, they become more demanding and want brands to adapt to their new habits. There are many reasons for losing trust in a brand, for example if it is not taken into account:

  • health or environmental issues (23%),
  • Brand values ​​congruence with consumers (23%)
  • Negative impact of the brand on people’s lives (22%).

Faced with a lack of confidence, the response of the French is clear: 53% of them decided to stop using the brand’s products or services and 29% of them even sent their unfavorable opinion to those around them.

UDA Director-General Jean-Luc Chatret underlines ” This study proves once again that trust is an important factor in relationships with brands. That is why we have named this topic #Ça MARQUE! We have chosen to put this at the heart of the first edition of the Exchange, to learn together from brands across all sectors and of all sizes, who have found Lever to grow their confidence. the audience. and thus increase efficiency.

*Study conducted from March 11 to 15, 2019 on a nationally representative sample of the French population: 1,020 men and women aged 18 to 65.

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