
Entrepreneurship and Self-Employment in Europe

The self-employed are at the center of a new dynamic. In partnership with Blank, Opinionway conducted a survey of 1,000 freelancers. Interviews were conducted from March 12 to 28, 2022 and the results show that most of the professionals are satisfied with their freelance status.

88% of the self-employed say they are optimistic about their situation: it should be noted that 54% say they are somewhat optimistic and 34% say they are very optimistic

However, results vary by industry.

  • Craftsman: 92%
  • Merchants & Similar: 83%
  • Intermediate Profession: 88%
  • *New Independents: 87%

Most freelancers say they are optimistic about their personal future and the growth of their business. They represent 79%.

For traders, their optimism is full of caution, given that the pandemic has caused all kinds of closures and hardships!

And in Europe?

26. A survey presented recently at the press conference forth The Salon des Entrepreneurs de Paris for the Union of Auto-Entrepreneurs and Independent Workers, co-published with the Le Roch-les Mosquitieres Foundation and produced by Opinionway as part of its observatory, indicates that 28% of people build their business in France. intend to. A figure that cannot leave anyone indifferent.

The study, conducted with more than 5000 people in 6 European countries (France 1065 respondents, Germany 1004, Spain 1034, United Kingdom 1010 and Poland 1001), shows that France would be ranked last among those countries, regardless of the number of countries under construction. Intent has increased by 3%. Poland topped the list with 62% of respondents, followed by Spain (55%), the United Kingdom (51%) and Germany (31%).

This figure is far from being realistic as 50% would like to start making within two years. In other words, it would mean, once belonging to a population of age to form, that in the short term there are no less than 7.5 million potential entrepreneurs present in France. Even though this figure is 2 to 3 times lower than that of our European neighbors other than Germany, it highlights a real desire for entrepreneurship.

Self-employment and self-employment are on the rise.

The surprising but consistent result would be 81% in France to prioritize entrepreneurship alone as a “classic” company. Thus, they are 48% who have declared that they want to do so” Lonely as a self-employed/self-employed worker with status of micro-entrepreneur » And 33% in multiple against 18% in the “classic” company alone. Overall, 75% have a favorable opinion of the self-employed/self-employed status.

On the European side, they would be 76% globally to have a good opinion of self-employment and self-entrepreneurship. The majority goes to the United Kingdom with 88%, Poland (82%) and Germany (79%). In contrast, Spain is far behind with barely 55% of the people questioned.

Reasons to choose self-employment

Although many respondents would like to choose this position, it would above all be a means of creating a job (for 88%) and living a good life on a daily basis (for 53%). Note that 48% now find that self-employment/self-employment is valued by the society.

On a European scale, 91% of Europeans think it is a good way to create jobs and 68% to make a good living, a figure slightly higher than in France.

Main difficulties to get started

According to this survey, several difficulties remain to be resolved:

  • Lack of social coverage (unemployment right, sickness benefit, accident science, etc.) for 52% as against 57% in Europe but which is improving with new laws
  • Complex management of administrative processes accounts for 44% compared to 40% in Europe
  • Difficulty in raising financing for 41% as against 45% in Europe
  • Isolation, 37 percent need to defend themselves
  • Lack of trust in society for 31% (difficulty in renting a house, getting a loan, opening a bank account, etc.)

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