
enterprise data security

Companies hold important data whose privacy is essential to its existence. Unfortunately, there are many who do not pay attention to the security of their information systems (IS), which often fall prey to multiple attacks. In order to avoid or reduce the impact of potential attacks on its IS, it is necessary to establish processes to meet the following three security criteria: availability, integrity and confidentiality.

ensure availability

This means ensuring reliability and continuity of service. If a business depends on data, they need to make sure it’s there when they need it. The unavailability of a service or data has an impact on the productivity of the company. Imagine for a moment that the file server on which a company’s employees store their work is not available for a whole day? Meanwhile, the company is frozen and the loss of money is substantial. It is therefore essential to establish a high availability policy that takes into account hardware and software redundancy and minimizes potential faults as much as possible.

ensure honesty

Integrity checks include verifying that the information received is identical to the information transmitted. The Company shall take all measures to prevent the data from being modified during transmission, whether intentionally or accidentally. Up-to-date anti-virus software and firewalls can be used to protect data integrity. Up-to-date anti-virus software will prevent contamination of data during transmission. Cryptography is one of the very effective means to protect the integrity of data. This prevents the reading of the data by a person who does not have rights.

ensure privacy

Confidentiality only involves making the information understandable by the recipient. This implies allowing only authorized persons and themselves access to the data. So the ideal would be to prioritize the values ​​of data and the rights of users.

Meeting these three main security criteria is essential not only to avoid major computer damage but also to guarantee a company’s productivity and efficiency.

The implications of these three concepts

Of course, there are many actions involved in ensuring these three criteria, whether related to availability, completeness or confidentiality. However, we should not lose sight of the fact that the company can install all the security systems on the market, the human remains the strongest risk factor for the company. Raising employee awareness of good practices is one basis for avoiding endangering data security, whether for everything related to passwords or the risks associated with performing certain actions. In this sense it may be wise to create a guide to ensure that everyone knows what can be done or what should be avoided at all. There are many instances of data leakage or data corruption even in the biggest companies, so you can be sure too.

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