
Does the cloud really generate value?

Large enterprises are having a real hard time extracting value from the cloud. This was revealed by a survey of more than 200 business leaders in France by PwC France and the Maghreb. Thus 94% of the respondents said that they were in this case. Only 6% of companies adopting the cloud say the opposite. However, it should be noted that 58% of managers have adopted it. This, in most or all business operations. But how do you generate value with the cloud?

Results not yet visible

The results are not out yet. According to this study, more than half of French organizations have not achieved the expected results in this area. This affects both cost reduction, improved flexibility and new revenue generation. Thus, the answers reflect ‘Deep Confusion’, This study specifically mentions the difference between “Migrate there or part of the company’s activity”,

Thus, Henri Chabrier, partner in charge of cloud activities at PwC France and Maghred, declared: ” Cloud is a subject that goes beyond technical aspects. The IT department is important and should become a driver of change that affects the entire company. Cloud is a technology that opens up multiple perspectives, both in the short and long term, the sooner companies implement these functions, the faster they can transform, create value and generate new sources of revenue , which directly contribute to their development. This way they can leverage the full power of the cloud, According to the press release.

real issues though

However, the challenges of the cloud are many for companies. Certainly, there is digital transformation that can help companies modernize their IT infrastructure. Above all, the cloud can drive competitiveness. It is then a question of developing services and products more quickly, more efficiently and at less cost.

Collaboration and productivity are not a problem. Most companies use tools in the cloud to improve internal processes. However, businesses are struggling tremendously in many areas. Thus, data management is not developed at all. Certainly, the cloud makes it possible to manage and store large amounts of data. But data analysis is problematic. The same is true for resilience and business continuity, especially in the event of a disaster. On top of all this, issues of security have arisen.

Cloud Power Enterprises

This is how the distinction is made between power cloud companies. These are the 25% of French organizations that have been successful in restarting their activities. They create value at a rate… three times higher! According to the survey, they were able to take advantage of the cloud to:

  • Improve customer experience (83%),
  • increase their productivity (75%),
  • increase their profitability (63%)
  • Find new sources of income (53%).

5 actions to extract value from the cloud, according to study

  1. Choose a holistic, systematic and quick approach. When it comes to cloud power enterprises, they have a strong ability to adopt a multi-pronged cloud approach
  2. Cooperate in all directions of the company from the very beginning. Cloud powered enterprises are able to involve other departments at the start of a cloud transformation project.
  3. Transparently oversee cloud governance and oversight to build trust. It should be noted that Cloud Power Enterprises is a leader in cloud governance
  4. Be able to understand regulatory constraints and their evolution upstream. It should be noted that Cloud Power Enterprises sees regulation as a brake on the creation of value in the cloud.
  5. Increase their skills. It should be noted that already 48% of cloud power companies aim to enhance their core cloud and cyber security skills in 2023.

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