
All the tips to make Panchi Pitch

Creating a good pitch is a difficult exercise, one that intimidates even the most seasoned leaders. Finding a key point, grabbing an audience’s attention, being impactful…before you get started here are a few points to work on. The first 15 seconds usually make the difference, and so be carefully prepared, as well as the fall, which will leave a lasting impression on your audience. So what are the current tricks that teach you how to attract your employees as well as potential future customers or funders and lead you to success?

Be Serious

Not everyone is a comedian at heart, so don’t fall for risky puns or jokes that may alienate your audience. Humor is a difficult exercise and it is not universal. Just because a joke got your friends laughing out loud doesn’t mean it will have the same effect on a wider audience. In fact, some people try to put in a nice word related to the situation to try to lighten the mood, but doing so usually underplays the fact that you’re stressed and can rob you of all credibility. Is. Nothing stops you from doing some funny things, even though sometimes you shouldn’t expect that depending on everyone’s level of understanding. Speaking in front of an audience is a delicate exercise in itself, so don’t put yourself at risk.

get straight to the bottom of the matter

Many pitches begin with a mundane presentation of the company or team. This tires out the audience and it is recommended to base your pitch on what the company brings in and what it needs. Of course, well-crafted pitches tell you in seconds what the company is doing, but that’s not what the audience wants to know. Get straight to the point to grab their attention and do it from the first words! To do this, project a slideshow with a highlight and not so busy that it’s distracting. Then structure your pitch in such a way that it answers the questions the audience will naturally ask themselves.

create a character

When executing a pitch, the personality of the project leader matters a lot. It is a real show, and hence it is necessary to train regularly in various theater exercises. The pitch should not only include what you have to say, but should allow you to get to know him better. Every motion is key and you should repeat it as many times as possible before your actual presentation. You need to find your starting position and make it look natural. Don’t hesitate to practice with people around you, take a video of yourself to identify some points you forgot or to analyze whether you are doing well or not.

engage your audience

Feel free to engage your audience in a Q&A session. These are usually provided. A well-constructed pitch should be an excuse for the audience to continue the discussion with the speaker and sometimes willingly drop questions for which you’ve already prepared answers. Ideally, you should direct auditors to ask you questions that put your company in an advantageous position. Thus they will have the impression of discovering an added advantage and asking a relevant question.

be clear and concise

The investors to whom you will be making your presentation will hear several pitches a day. They usually chain these and can be very tiring by the time of your passage. Therefore your comment should be clear and concise and above all it should be understandable to someone who does not know your field. They should ease the task of understanding for the investor, who will have little time to understand your project and establish himself. Sending too many messages is wasteful and you have to define your key messages upstream that should be retained.

friendly to your interlocutor

The pitch is above a story of context. If you’re giving your speech to an investor who likes numbers, give them special importance. If you’re pitching your product to potential investors, put your value proposition at the center of your pitch. In any case, master your speech to perfection, so as not to leave room for approximation!

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