According to a study conducted by NAR (National Association of Realtors), 80% of real estate agents who integrate franchise networks benefit from higher turnover. An exercise that has many advantages in a difficult area. Note the benefits of joining a franchise network.
First, a franchise is a partnership contract between several agencies. This creates obligations between the two parties at different levels (legal and financial), between the brand (franchisor) and the entrepreneurs (franchisee). Brands have obligations to their members and vice versa. Belonging to a network should not be limited to benefiting from a brand’s notoriety, it should provide them with basic information and lasting support in the implementation of their projects. In this context, agencies benefit from the strength of the network and the diversity of its disciplines. In return for these benefits, the franchising agency must comply with the rules imposed by the brand.
Benefit from the notoriety of a recognized brand on the market
In theory, the buyer, seller or future tenant may want to work with an agency they trust. They are often interested in well-known brands to the detriment of lesser known or unknown brands. It must be said that the amount involved is considerable and they are very attentive to all the ingredients. Membership in a franchise network does not guarantee success but increases your confidence capital. Potential customers feel more confident by getting an offer from an agency associated with a known brand.
Get the tools and services offered by the network
Integration within a larger brand allows an agency to take advantage of multiple tools and services. Signal is not limited to guaranteeing the notoriety of its members, it facilitates their actions to ensure the success of their projects. The network can provide them with real estate management software, a personal and autonomous website, easy access to inter-network intranets or even the convenience of reliable and effective communication at a national level.
Communicate with other agencies
Member of existing brand has access to proven methods. The network offers him various strategies that have been the subject of experiments. Before you start anything, you can ask your peers about the pitfalls and risks surrounding your project. You have the experience of other franchisees which can save you from grievous errors. Some franchisees do not hesitate to put future franchisees in touch with those already in the network.
Access to effective and reliable methods
A franchise network brings together several dozen or even hundreds of agencies. Members share their experiences with you, discuss with you and meet regularly through forums, events organized by the network, etc. In addition to these exchanges, members are generally aware of new market trends, new regulations governing the real estate sector, especially administrative and fiscal standards. At the same time, they benefit from a number of tricks to limit the risk of failure of any given project and generally from proven methodology.