
8 Tips If You Want To Expand Your Business Abroad

Knowing your company remains a good reflection if you want your offer to meet demand, whether in France or abroad. If you want your company to be known outside borders, zoom in on some good practices.

1- Build a brand named “Internationalizable” easily

If your company name is a typically French word, not sure if it will be found with equal success in the United States or Asia… Already, you often lose meaning in other languages, all but certain words. The above tend to have negative connotations abroad or even downright derogatory. Thus they may give a bad image of your product or may be difficult to pronounce in some languages ​​and hence difficult to remember. For example the “R” is not pronounced for everyone, so you may also want to think about your brand name before you start your internationalization.

2- Think global immediately

If you want to make your mark internationally, don’t try to develop your product in your field, aim for the world directly! For this, design it from the beginning so that it can be used abroad. If you have ambitions to go global, you can keep this uniqueness in mind from the start as some practices are only done in France, for example. You’ll need this to put together a big offer.

3- Think in terms of innovation

This is what will allow you to pay attention to foreign markets. It is not because a proposal in France is innovative that this is the case abroad. As an idea often arises in two places in the world at the same time, do not hesitate to check if your offer already exists elsewhere and your competition is not firmly established. The more innovative your offer is, the more likely it is that it will be innovative abroad as well.

4 – Create a proposal that answers the problem faced by all countries

Your product should not be too culturally marked and not conform to the requirements encountered in many countries. Practices are not the same from country to country and if your product can fully meet the French requirement, the problem may not exist overseas for cultural reasons. Customers in one country may not necessarily be the same as customers in another region. Then there will be something for everyone!

5 – Participate in international fairs

They will allow you to build a network not only on the scale of France, but on a global scale. International fairs are as much an opportunity to meet your future customers as they are suppliers. Don’t hesitate to ask questions about how the country works, and don’t hesitate to check that your offer will meet demand in the target countries.

6 – Consider the French market as one of the potential growth markets among many others

It will be time to attack the French market when you will experience success abroad. It’s not because you’re based in France, so it must be your main market. Some French companies start abroad and then move to France. The appetite for your product may be stronger in another country than where you are located.

7 – Target international celebrities as music

Obviously French stars are not stars abroad. If some personalities are international, they are less well known abroad than in France. Identifying local personalities can help you increase your notoriety and possibly lead to a greater partnership.

8- The cause of the blow of fate

Multiply your opportunities for growth by contacting us as early as possible. For this you have to be bold and creative. Thus you will be able to provoke some meetings which can prove to be decisive for your business.

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