Organization of work is a central element of a company’s life. In fact, it has a significant impact on the productivity of the employees and hence the profitability of the company. However, managing to adopt a fluid work organization can quickly turn into a headache.
You want to set up a work organization to serve your company’s efficiency. Discover our ten tips for achieving it in this article.
What is work organization? definition element
Organization of work refers to all those activities whose purpose is distribution and then coordination of tasks and responsibilities associated with each individual.
In other words, work organization answers the following question: How can work and time be distributed among different members of a workshop or company so as to optimize its efficiency?
Challenges behind the implementation of an optimal work organization
Organization of work is important for both the company and the employee. In fact, optimum organization of work should make it possible to meet the profitability requirements of any company. For the employee, he wants the best balance between his personal life and his professional life.
optimize time management
The concept of work organization has evolved a lot over time. Taylorism in the early 20th century was characterized by fragmentation of functions and strong hierarchical relationships.
As companies’ demand for profitability hasn’t stopped growing, productivity has gradually planted itself in the debate around the organization of work.
Continuing research around productivity and performance improvements gradually shifted toward greater flexibility. As far as the autonomy of individuals is concerned, it is increasingly given importance so that everyone can take responsibility for managing their time at work.
Free time to prioritize to achieve set goals
Behind any organization of work, we find at the base the question of allocation of time as an essential resource.
Therefore, to move towards the achievement of a task it is important to clarify its objectives and purpose.
Streamline teamwork by promoting the flow of information
Lack of internal communication can seriously affect the quality of working relationships. This can subsequently reduce the level of trust and the degree of employee involvement.
Thus, thanks to a customized work organization, it will be easier to send the right information to the right person.
Our 10 Tips for Organization a Work That Rhymes With Efficiency
1. Choose the Right Work Organization Methods
To be effective, a good work practice aims to serve a company’s performance objectives. Thus, it aims to let everyone know what to do and how to do it.
A relevant work organization method thus contributes to improving productivity and hence profitability.
There are many ways to organize work. Among the most famous are:
- The 5S method which is characterized by the standardization of workstations.
- GTD (Getting Things Done) method. The main objective of this method based on 5 pillars is to improve productivity.
- Pomodoro Method. Very well known, this method is based on a time bound and structured time management. After short 5-minute breaks spread over 25-minute intervals, work sessions should make it possible to kick off multitasking while maintaining a high level of concentration.
- Agile Scrum Method. The Agile Scrum method is based on a “sprint” lasting two to four weeks, depending on whether an initial need may develop. Once the goal is achieved, it is possible to proceed to the next level.
2. Train Manager
Managers play an important role in improving the organization of a company. In fact, they are expected to support employees in the world of work subject to profound changes.
It is not just about acquiring new knowledge or skills. It is a matter of acquiring the necessary “soft-skills” to meet the needs of flexibility in the organization of work.
3. Involve Employees
In addition to training management in greater flexibility, employees desire greater autonomy in their work.
The organization of work should therefore be thought of with a view to encourage:
- sense of initiative;
- synergy between different services;
- As well as the activism of allies.
As part of the decision making process, care will be taken to establish a conducive working environment to speak of giving importance to it.
4. Develop a Healthy Company Culture
The question of semantic and professional alignment is becoming increasingly important. In fact, in the face of changes imposed on the world of work, companies with a strong and healthy corporate culture manage more easily to stand out. So the employees need to identify with the values ​​conveyed by their company.
Like rapidly emerging values ​​in society, individuals are increasingly seeking transparency, ethics and eco-responsibility.
Thus, a complete worker who identifies himself in his company’s values ​​will be less likely to fall ill. He will also be more involved in the long term.
5. Choose the Right Equipment
Tools are important components of good work organization. They participate in:
- lighten the mental load;
- streamline work within teams;
- time saving.
To improve the efficiency of work organization, it is important to equip yourself with time-saving tools. For most companies, we recommend at least CRM software for optimizing customer relationships, as well as a project management tool for coordinating teams on complex projects.
Finally, know that there are many HRIS software, such as Factorial or Persona for example, that will allow you to improve human resource management.
6. Manage Preferences
Care must be taken to clarify the priorities in order to organize the work effectively. It allows you to focus on what is really important. Thus, we can do:
- Rank tasks in order of urgency;
- Start your working day with the most important task;
- Dare to say no to excessive demands from coworkers;
- Take regular breaks to have the energy needed for their activity.
7. Optimize the time allotted for meetings
The purpose of any meeting should first of all be to facilitate the exchange of information and to provide collective intelligence in service of the progress of the projects. For this it is important to ensure to define an agenda in advance, the points to be discussed and finally the duration of the meeting.
8. Adopt a Small Step Strategy
Very effective, this technique involves dividing a project into homogeneous subtasks after listing and classifying it. We can then incorporate them into the schedule more easily and proceed on a regular basis.
9. Follow the Right Performance Indicators
The purpose of performance indicators is to validate the relevance of the actions taken in relation to the set objectives. Within a company, these indicators can be classified into six main categories: commercial, human resources, finance and accounting, communications, logistics and finally IT.
It is possible to monitor the relevance of the indicators using the SMART method. Based on five criteria, this method makes it possible to evaluate performance according to its specific, measurable, achievable, achievable and time-bound character.
10. Manage Conflict
For an efficient organization of work, relational leverage is crucial. In order not to be overwhelmed by this aspect, we will always make sure to work upwards. Therefore, the role of management is crucial. He mediates in case of work overload, entrusting competent people for the realization of a task.
questions to ask
What are the main forms of work organization?
Models of work organization based on Taylorism-Fordism have given way to new methods of organisation.
Then we find tautism and new forms of work organization (NFOT) based on increased flexibility, participatory management and restructuring of tasks.
How to improve the organization of work in the company?
To improve the organization of work in a company, it is important to ensure:
– Select a manager capable of leading your team members diplomatically towards the achievement of objectives;
– take into account the aspirations of employees;
– Equip yourself with high-performance equipment to save time.