
Which social network should I communicate on for my company?

Social networks have imposed and multiplied themselves to such an extent that it becomes very complicated to determine your communication channel. Which social network to choose to communicate. Overview of social networks.

Hootsuite-Visionary Marketing Barometer 2021, The aim of the international study is to analyze the use of social media in organizations and companies by their managers or users.

  • 67% of companies consider Instagram to be the most influential social media.
  • Declining access is a challenge for 35% of companies.
  • Half of the French companies are ready to increase the budget allocated for “social ads”.
  • 75% of companies say they are confident about the ROI measurement.
  • More than half of companies develop employee advocacy programs.
  • 47% of companies say that social selling helps sales reps deepen relationships with prospects.

what are the options?

At the top of the list, Instagram (61%) surpassed the king of social media Facebook (57%), followed by LinkedIn (43%) followed by Twitter, which appeared only in fourth place (38%) . Often synonymous with online fighting and controversy, the weight of this reputation is worth the price for the little blue bird.

You are on it social media for leaders There is hardly any reflex and even their use suggests their way of holding them. Indeed, according to a survey conducted by Opinion Way for Corpcom among 302 business leaders (CEOs, CEOs, CFOs) with a turnover between 15 and 500 million euros, the two main social networks on which the leaders are present are Facebook 66 % of which 47% in a personal capacity and only 4% in a professional perspective and on linkedinOne in two managers are present, especially in the perspective of a professional (42%) and a personal (8% of managers).

Being on social networks, of course, but not systematically

What about other social networks?

32% have a profile on Google+ and finally Twitter is used by a minority of online owners. However, 18% of the leaders surveyed tweeted regularly. The many slippages of political figures, such as Donald Trump or elected officials, who are pinned for their Tweet Too fast and which then forces them to apologize and which makes internet users laugh and are kicked out of social networks. But also the fact that some Internet users make it their mission to find fault with those who express themselves. For some leaders, there is a need to take precautions so as not to damage their credibility. Social networks are a world of urgency and responding or expressing themselves requires communication skills that are not always the best skills of leaders who are more focused on their business strategy and growth.

Does the age of leaders affect their presence on social networks?

The conclusion is clear. Young leaders keep coming out on social media every day. They have acquired communication reflexes by adolescence and know how to navigate. They communicated without any caution and are now mature enough to be able to communicate professionally on social networks because they know the dangers but also the advantages. The social network is widely used by youth leaders, with the exception of Google+, with 33% of those over 54 joining every day, compared to only 9% of those under 35 (13% for ages 35-44). Huh.

Facebook is more “successful” with a weekly connection rate of 81%, compared with 60% for 35-44 year olds, 39% for 45-54 and 38% for more.

The state of social networks is illustrated in their use: for 42% of managers who join LinkedIn, it is only for business purposes (only 8% of them say it is only for personal). We also see this with Viadeo (36% “professional only”, 15% “personal only”), particularly in retail.

In contrast, 47% of Facebook’s executive users go there for personal purposes only, while 4% go there exclusively for work. Similar trend on Twitter (38% and 9%).

For all platforms except Facebook, those under the age of 34 are most likely to refer exclusively to professional use…

Communicating on social networks requires expertise and allows nascent leaders to identify experiences that will help them impose themselves and bring visibility and notoriety to their company before beginning a period of observation on communicating leaders. will be allowed to produce.

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