
Transformation of Head Office into Auto-Entrepreneur in 2022

Change or transfer of head office of self-employed person is an important step in the life of the company. Relatively simple to perform, it involves a certain amount of formality and legal and financial consequences. Why and how to move the head office of an auto-entrepreneur, and above all, at what cost? follow the leader !

What are the reasons to change your head office when you are self-employed?

The main reason to change head office when you are self-employed is clearly on the go. In fact, the company is attached to your person, if you even move! However, there are several other reasons:

  • You opt for a self-employed domicile to benefit from a more reputable address or to protect your privacy (yes, by domiciling your self-employed business at your home, you can give your personal address to all your clients, prospects, etc.) are obliged to disclose, suppliers, etc!);
  • You are currently in a business incubator and leaving it or, conversely, you are entering a hatchery, an incubator, or a nursery;
  • Your business is changing and you need a large business space to be able to acquire customers, etc. ,
  • For example tax optimization by choosing a municipality with a more favorable CFE (corporate asset contribution).

Formalities for Change of Registered Office of Self Employed Person

The formalities of changing the registered office of an auto-entrepreneur are once quite simple. In fact, you have to inform URSSAF first, and for that, you have the possibility to modify the registered office either online or on paper.

Change registered office of auto-entrepreneur online

To move the registered office of the auto-entrepreneur online, simply log in to your space on the website (or create one!) In the “Modify your position or your activity” section, you will find the form to fill out :

  • In the context of an individual move, you will need to make 2 changes to indicate to URSSAF both your new contact details and your new place of practice of your activity. To do this, go to the section “Change of status”, then indicate your new personal address and the date of transfer;
  • Then, and for all cases where only your head office changes, you should go to the “You are announcing a change in your activity” section and tick “Change of practice location”. Then you indicate the new address as well as the date of modification of the head office of the auto-enterprise;
  • A new window opens, in which you indicate your activity and its category;
  • Finally, you attach proof of identity certified as true, dated and signed, then electronically sign your request!

If you wish to announce a change in the self-employed entrepreneur’s head office address by post, you must download Form P2-P4 and complete boxes 1, 9, 10 and 11. Depending on your situation, you can also fill in boxes 3 (change of domicile) or 6 (change of place of practice). This form should be sent in 2 copies dated and signed along with attested copy of your identity document to the registered office of the auto-entrepreneur to modify.

Notify various organizations

Change of registered office leads to change in public bodies. Thus, URSSAF and Social Security are automatically notified. Also INSEE, which will give you a new SIRET: You place the first 9 marks (SIREN) which correspond to your company, and you get 5 new marks related to your place of practice.

On the other hand, it is necessary to inform the Business Tax Service (SIE). Actually, changing the registered office of auto-entrepreneur and setting it up in a new municipality means modification of CFE. The latter is voted on and enforced by the municipality or community of municipalities.

Lastly, you need to inform your partners and your bank to update your details.

Other Formalities

Once the change of registered office of your company becomes effective, you still need to complete some practical formalities:

  • Remember to forward your company mail to its new address;
  • Modify your commercial documents: quotation, invoice, contract, CGV, etc.
  • Update your communication tools: business cards, websites, flyers, etc. ,

How much does it cost to change the address of a self-employed person?

Change of head office address of a self-employed person is a free process with URSSF. On the other hand, the formalities that can be added can have a cost. Thus, the cost of relocating your self-employed company varies according to:

  • Type of change: If the administrative process is free, then the change or relocation of domicile address incurs more or less significant costs;
  • the cost of modifying your communication equipment;
  • Possible change of municipality and hence the amount of CFE;
  • Support from LegalTech or a lawyer.

In short, changing the registered office address of a self-employed entrepreneur with URSSAF does not cost anything. However, this modification may cost more or less depending on your preferences and their consequences.

questions to ask

How to Change Address for Self Employed Person?

All you have to do is visit the URSF website and go to the “Manage My Business” tab, then “Modify My Self-Employed Business”.

How to change your self employed domicile address?

By filling the P2 form online or on paper. You can contact your domicile company to assist you with the process.

What is the cost of head office relocation for a self-employed individual?

Moving the registered office of a self-employed company is a free process if you do it yourself.

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