
Sick leave for the self-employed: how does it work?

As a freelancer, you wonder how sick leave is? It is true that self-employment status does not provide the same security and guarantees as paid employment.

In case of illness, procedures, daily allowances and waiting days are different. In the event of compulsory sick leave (which we don’t want you to!), it’s normal to guess all the ways to deal with it.

In partnership with Mutuelle GSMC, find out how to take a sick leave as a self-employed individual, steps to follow and reimbursement provided! At the end of the article, you’ll also find advice on how to optimize your health protection and anticipate all possible scenarios. good reading !

Conditions for receiving daily allowance in case of illness

Even with your health in mind, you are not safe from falling ill or being hospitalized. In this case, you will have to consult and issue a work stoppage.

As a freelancer, you are therefore associated with SSI (Securité Sociale des Indépendants), formerly RSI. To receive compensation, you must meet certain conditions:

  • Carrying out any activity as a craftsman, trader or service provider.
  • Be in business or in maintenance of rights at the time of stay.
  • Stay up-to-date on all your health insurance contributions (check your URSSF online account, there should be no contributions by “due dates”).
  • Benefit from affiliation with SSI for at least 1 year.

Steps to follow in the event of sick leave

As a freelancer, to be able to take advantage of daily allowances in case of sick leave, you will need to:

  • Check that the medical reason entered at the stop is correct. If necessary, your sick leave may be denied.
  • Within 48 hours of the consultation, submit Sections 1 and 2 of Stop Work to your SSI.

Following these steps will validate your sick leave and trigger your entitlements as a self-employed individual.

Period of payment of sick leave benefits

The period of payment of daily allowances varies according to the working hours:

  • For sick leave of less than 6 months: You are entitled to 360 days of compensation (if full-time activity), and 90 days for a half-time medical condition.
  • For sick leave exceeding 6 months: In case of longer duration, you can get daily allowances up to a maximum of 3 years (and 270 days in case of medical part-time).

Good to know: There is a waiting period. Daily allowance for self-employed 4. is paid fromI Days during hospitalization, and from the 8th day in case of sick leave.

Method of Calculation of Daily Allowances

Do you want to know how much will be the amount of assistance in case of sick leave as a self-employed person? SSI divides your average income over the past 3 years within the range of the annual Social Security limit by 730.

  • If your average income exceeds €3,806.80, the daily allowance will be between €5.21 and €53.74.
  • If your average income is less than €3,806.80, you do not receive any compensation as a micro-entrepreneur.

Note: In case of medical part-time work, the daily allowance is halved.

Let’s take 2 concrete examples to figure out how to calculate your rights:

  • Let’s say your average income over the past 3 years is €10,000. The calculation is as follows: 10,000/730 = €13.69 in compensation per day.
  • If your average income over the past 3 years is €45,000 per year, the calculation gives: 45,000/730 = €61.64. The limit is being set at €53.74, so you will receive €53.74 per day.

Obligation to honor during sick leave

On your sick leave, the doctor will define your entitlements and the time of leave. It obviously depends on the health problem encountered.

To this end, you can:

  • Being allowed to go out freely: In this case, you risk being out of control.
  • Obliged to stay at home between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m., then 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.: You can still go out during these times in case of medical appointments (with supporting documentation).
  • Not being allowed to leave your home, except for an appointment or medical care, because your health condition does not allow it.

In the last two cases, health insurance can control your attendance at any time and therefore honor your sick leave.

In addition to exit times, you must also follow these rules:

  • Interrupt your activity for the total duration of your stop.
  • Notify SSI if you decide to resume your activity early.
  • Avoid being out of your home without prior medical permission.

How to strengthen your Social Security as a self-employed person?

As we just saw, the daily allowances as a self-employed person are quite low. They are often considered inadequate to maintain their standard of living and ensure the stability of their business. This last point is especially important as a freelancer or consultant, as you tend to do your activity alone.

Therefore, when it is not possible to fulfill your mission for a more or less long period, getting compensation that guarantees payment of your bills and your Social Security contributions is essential.

Solution ? Opt for a mutual health insurance dedicated to the self-employed.

Benefits of Health Insurance for Freelancers

GSMC Freelance Mutual, Partner of

When you subscribe to an additional cover, such as that offered by our partner GSMC, you receive an additional guarantee to keep your activity:

no waiting period

In the event of sick leave, depending on the nature of the contract signed, you may 1. can get daily allowance fromer Day.

Third-party payment support to avoid upfront costs

In addition to stopping your activity for some time, sick leave can also incur medical costs. When the money is gone but it no longer comes, it can quickly put you in an uncomfortable position.

With mutual funds dedicated to TNS, you benefit from third party payments, which saves you from carrying on medical or hospitalization costs.

Better reimbursement for special care

You know the saying “prevention is better than cure”. Taking care of your health is essential to avoid sick leave. However, some care is minimal or not reimbursed at all. This is especially the case with dental, optical or hearing care.

With independent health insurance, you can increase reimbursement levels for certain treatments and provide better long-term care.

Additional daily allowances to compensate for loss of income

A Health for TNS strengthens the protection of the freelancer, by further compensating for the loss of mutual income. It is possible for a self-employed employee to receive additional allowances to enable them to maintain their standard of living, pay their bills, and meet personal and business expenses. Which brings us to the next point…

Compensation for reimbursement of professional expenses

GSMC Mutual Insurance Company offers a “Compensation for Reimbursement of Professional Expenses” guarantee that covers Social Security contributions and other charges related to your activity, such as rent and invoices contained on company premises.

a disability pension

In the event of an accident or long-term illness preventing you from resuming your activity, health insurance for freelancers may allow you to receive a pension. The latter is paid until the company’s liquidation or at the time of your retirement. Compensation is based on the contract taken out and the degree of disability.

This applies whether the disability is permanent, complete or partial.

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Tax Benefits of Mutual Health Insurance for the Self-Employed

A health insurance contract for freelancers is eligible for Madeline Law. This is another good reason to subscribe to this type of protection!

This means that contributions can be deducted from professional income. An interesting tax advantage for the self-employed whose legal status allows this type of deduction (the micro enterprise is therefore not concerned).

The deduction limit for Madeline contributions is subject to the annual Social Security limit (PASS) as well as professional income for the year. Currently, the tax deduction limit is equal to 3.75% of professional income, an increase of the nearby 7%. All within the range of €9,872.64 in 2021.

Beyond the financial aspect, supplemental health insurance for freelancers allows you to have peace of mind. You can plan your mission, investments and objectives in the medium and long term. In the event of sick leave, you know your activity will not be reduced or affected.

our tip

Remember to fill out the questionnaire on the GSMC mutual insurance site, in order to choose the health insurance plan that best suits your needs and your activity. You will know immediately which contract has been made for you, as well as the amount of the monthly payment.

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