
organize an event

After being denied the opportunity to organize events, the time has finally come to carry out programs that are so promising. If we were tired of events following each other, today the return of events appears in a new light. Nothing can replace the prosperity of human relations and events are one of the cornerstones. Organizing an event or event is part of the life of any company that seeks to develop its reputation with its customers, partners or financiers, uniting its teams to build and support them in the company’s overall strategy against the competition. includes. However, events have a fixed cost and it is clear that it is a question of preparing them upstream to reap the fruits of the investment.

The organization of an event cannot be improved. Preparation for this requires bringing together a number of skills: brainstorming based on the event and organization. Whether you are an SME, a VSE or a large company, the pattern is the same. The difference is played in human resources which may be limited to the manager and his/her partner or may be taken care of by a team capable of communication.

An entrepreneur is also an organizer in his genes, but his organization is often tied to his intuition and his skills related to his business, the real guide in his career. Then, he mobilizes all the resources and develops other skills to achieve the goal set for him.

surround yourself with the right people

The achievement and success of an event depends on human resources. This is why it is essential to know what are the essential qualities we will need to be successful in this event.

Tensions are often noted between people during the organization of an event and these tensions come not only from the importance of the work to be done but also from differences in attitudes towards the work. Actually in a team you can meet two types of people:

  • who will understand the organization of the event from a global point of view
  • Who will focus on the details.

With these two personality types and thanks to their differences, it is possible to create a real rapport or a real cacophony…

To better understand the challenge of this move, let’s make a comparison between the Japanese and the French. When you want to do business with the Japanese, you come up against an opposite concept: the French go from expanding to the global view and the Japanese going from the expansion to the global view. Ignorance of this cultural difference has caused many negotiations to fail, leaving everyone disillusioned. Understanding this difference has helped French companies to establish themselves in the long term. To be successful at an event, you as an event leader need to understand different aspects of the organization.

method of organizing the event

So you want to create an event but whatever the size of your event, the method is the same.

During the first steering committee, along with the team you create, you will need to answer basic questions:

Why this incident? What is its purpose?

The event aims to develop notoriety, unite employees and build customer loyalty…

Identifying the purpose is fundamental. Unless it is explicitly defined, there is no need to proceed to the next step.

For whom ? What is the goal?

  • advertisements
  • administrative
  • financiers
  • women
  • men
  • young people…

interests that may be far away. You need to identify your goal precisely to satisfy everyone. This step will force you to refine the ideas.

How ? With what kind of event?

Option of event: meeting, conference, party…. It has to appeal to all of your audience and make sense. We don’t create events to create an event.

how many ? what is my budget

Financial resources will have a crippling effect on your choices, but they will also be a source of creativity: it requires ingenuity to carry out an event with little money.


Once an election is made, it will be necessary to go into detail with any organization’s tool, retroplanning, of an event.

it breaks down into three parts

  1. before the event
  2. during the event
  3. after the event.

List all needs

The first step is to list all the needs without trying to budget, without trying to say who will be responsible for them:

Accommodation, transportation, layout of spaces, reception, speakers, catering, decoration, prefecture, requests for partners, media, press kits, press releases, badges….

The second step is to precisely negate it around each requirement.

Reception: table, flowers, badges, tablecloth, hostess, listing

The third step is to create a table that will allow you to follow the organization of the event. This table, you will adapt it to your needs. In each meeting, you will accomplish this. You will be able to check that each step is done well and you will not have to worry about last minute due to carelessness, blunders…

This way you will be able to have a global view of the event and a broader vision which you can constantly update as the organization of the event progresses.

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