
Is Luck Part of Entrepreneurial Success?

Many entrepreneurs who had just started their business told themselves “I’m really unlucky” when the health crisis closed non-essential shops and gave up. He already saw himself on top of the bill and had planned everything. So he no longer had to rely on luck but on his ability to overcome or overcome obstacles.

Luck, often mentioned to talk about successful people, sets aside the hard work invested to lead the company towards growth. Luck, as we know with lotto games and company, smiles at some who use it wisely while others are often overwhelmed and fall prey to predators and quickly find themselves penniless. Is luck a part of success and to what extent does it influence entrepreneurs’ decisions?

For what reason is this?

Luck is often associated with the encounters we have that can give us opportunities. This is the reason why entrepreneurs participate in fairs, networking and many conferences to develop all the opportunities for their business growth. Assuming skills and knowledge, building a start-up can sometimes be a matter of chance and simple luck. Many people who were not destined to run a business have actually found themselves at the head of their company, while others are not yet familiar with the entrepreneurial world.

Of Natural qualities essential to success

While almost half of VSEs and SMEs do not cross the 5-year survival milestone as per INSEE, some digital companies manage to stand out and show great success. If experience, technical and business acumen, perseverance and listening are an integral part of an entrepreneur’s qualities, sometimes chance and luck can be a part of it. Thus, Philippe Kahn, one of the rare Frenchmen to impose himself within Silicon Valley, was able to impose himself after having lost everything. This one, at the core of the FullMotion application for the iPhone, which has already sold several million copies, found success after arriving in the United States without a work visa. Even though perseverance and tenacity are preferred, Philip Khan himself believes in “Luck is part of the success of entrepreneurs”.

ambition is often the key to success

However, it would be much easier to rely on luck alone to be successful in the business world. It requires a significant personal and financial investment to be successful and therefore building a business is not a matter of coincidence. Like all those who knew their ambition would lead them to success, the most famous entrepreneurs have one thing in common: a deep understanding of business and communication, and an unwavering resistance to failure. If Steve Jobs and Bill Gates rummaged in their garages in their youth and were destined to head two of the world’s most important multinationals without even knowing it, Facebook leader Mark Zuckerberg was the first. Was convinced for years. That he should be able to impose himself in the computer world. So perseverance and ambition are undoubtedly the qualities of the most talented leaders that lead them to success.

when talent meets luck

Demonstrating an innate sense for business and in the face of the toughest competition, even the biggest leaders often give their careers to simple threats. Steve Jobs, for example, could have been replaced by his co-founder Steve Wozniak as the head of Apple, now forgotten, if the latter had not left the company for a modest amount of $120 000, while the current multinational The weight is about $675 billion on the stock exchange with a turnover of over $182 billion! Believing in one’s luck and one’s lucky star can explain a prosperous success if in addition talent is combined with this fortune. Xavier Neil is the epitome of this state of mind. Free in France, the founder of 9th Fortune and who today has more than 9.5 billion euros of personal wealth, began his career as a service provider for Minitel Rose. He believed in his luck and was the first to develop a multimedia Internet access offering. Thus judicious thoughts and opportunities are sometimes the key to success for all those who smell good opportunities and believe in them till the end.

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