
How to use IGTV in your marketing strategy?

When Instagram TV (IGTV for short) launched in June 2018, its impact on marketing strategy was underestimated. Who was going to watch the video for more than 10 seconds at a time when snack-content was in order?

Apparently for many people, the most popular YouTube videos that appear on the front page are on average 14 minutes long. A windfall advantage that Instagram has seized with IGTV! This is a boon for brands who want to offer more videos on social networks where they are already popular.

Take note of this Instagram feature that allows companies to grow their presence with a worthy community!

IGTV, a new era for your video marketing

IGTV transforms the traditional TV experience and refreshes it into a modern, mobile experience. Anyone can create an IGTV channel and share videos with their followers. Although :

  • For verified users, the maximum length of an IGTV video is one hour;
  • For regular users, the allowed duration is ten minutes.

These videos can be viewed through the Instagram app or on the standalone IGTV platform designed for video content creators.

A source of conversation, IGTV makes it possible to share one-minute previews to capture the attention of users. An opportunity is provided to those brands who want to grab the attention of the public and organize a successful product launch.

Another strong point of IGTV: the format! Quit vertical video; On your channel, it is possible to broadcast movies in landscape. Perfect for reusing existing videos or copying your best practices between YouTube and Instagram.

More recently, Instagram introduced the IGTV Series feature. You can offer your followers a regular show to retain your audience. Like YouTube’s video notifications, your community can sign up to be notified when a new video is posted.

A platform to get even closer to the consumers


According to a study by CISCO, in 2022, 82% of global internet traffic is represented by video. A statistic that shows the strong enthusiasm of users for this format! So your company has a card to play on IGTV. Let’s take a look at 3 main reasons to adopt this format in your marketing strategy.

Also read: How To Set Up An Omnichannel Marketing Strategy?

1. To generate more engagement and conversions

Video is considered the queen of engagement in the marketing world! And for good reason, a Brightcove study shows that a video posted to a social network generates 1200% more shares than a mix of text and images.

As for its effect on conversions, here, too, this format is very efficient: companies that publish videos get a 34% higher conversion rate than brands that don’t publish them.

The more creative and compelling the content, the more engagement it generates (likes, clicks, shares or comments). In addition, IGTV allows you to include clickable links in the description of your videos: the perfect opportunity to direct your viewers to your e-commerce or your landing pages.

Read also: Instagram: 5 mistakes you shouldn’t make in your videos

2. To build more links with your community

The trends show the increasing interest of users in longer format videos. And IGTV is the ideal tool! Videos longer than a minute provide more opportunities to build relationships and connect with your community. They allow you to create content that meets the challenges and interests of your audience.

In addition, with the series feature, brands can maintain their community, while offering more education, with a recurring show. By posting episodes on a regular schedule, you will get your viewers in the habit of coming back and watching a show on your IGTV channel.

3. To reach new audiences with previously published content

IGTV is the perfect opportunity to breathe new life into your popular videos posted on YouTube and Facebook. Brands can convert and share their blog posts, useful tips and tricks into videos. You can also reuse an existing video and expand it to provide more information to your audience.

Read also: 6 Ways to Recycle Your Stuff – wikiHow

4 Steps to Creating Captivating IGTV Videos


After theory, place to practice! To make a successful IGTV video, here are 4 steps to follow:

1. Schedule a video in advance

Developing a successful video requires writing a script. First you need to know what you want to say, how to present it and how to make it appealing. Design a script with a beginning, middle and end of your video. Include the setting, the subject of the video, and the presenter. This way you will create videos that will captivate and thrill your audience while getting a clear message across.

2. Grab Attention Quickly

To attract an audience, you have to hook them. And you only have the first 30 seconds of video to get there.

The hook depends on your target audience and the goals of the video. It could be a trickier question, or a promise to learn more if he continues to watch the video. So, when setting up your script, spend time on your introduction!

3. Preview and Keep Title

In promoting IGTV videos, there are two things to consider: the preview thumbnail (or thumbnail) and the title.

  • An attractive thumbnail usually contains the title and the face of the presenter. Remember to play on contrasts with expressive colors!
  • A short and interesting title is better. As IGTV is best viewed on mobile, you will have only a few characters to express yourself. Pay special attention to the first three words of your title.

Read also: YouTube: 5 Graphic Tips for Making Your Video Thumbnail

4. Use Relevant Hashtags

Hashtags have a lot of impact on Instagram. Think about it when writing the description of your video and enter the hashtags demanded by your audience. This will increase the reach of your content.

What videos to make for IGTV?

Looking for inspiration to post what kind of videos on your IGTV? The possibilities are many!

Here are our top 5 best performing ingredients:

1. Tutorial

IGTV Makeup Tutorial

Tutorials, how-to guides or training videos are a great way to increase engagement. They showcase your expertise as well as your product features while providing sustainable ingredients. They can drive long term conversions.

It’s easy, follow our tutorial (not video…) HERE!

2. Question and Answer Session

Instagram Poll

Q&A sessions are an effective way to improve your audience’s engagement while providing useful information.

Collect the most popular questions from customers: Don’t hesitate to send them questionnaires or conduct polls in your Instagram stories.

By answering them in an authentic and transparent manner, you establish yourself as a company that is open to discussion. A great way to build trust in your brand.

3. Behind the Scenes Videos

behind the scenes

Humanize Your Brand! Bring your community into your world with behind-the-scenes tours. You will manage to build an emotional connection with your followers.

Consider interviewing your employees to explain their work and support your company’s values.

4. Streaming Events

igtv conference

Are you hosting a convention, seminar, convention or trade show? Share them with your viewers on your IGTV channel. This is a great opportunity to allow those who were unable to attend your event, to virtually “participate” in it. Your audience will appreciate the effort in your world, while enjoying high-value-added content.

5. Interview

IGTV Interview

You can host a talk show on your IGTV focused on your expertise. Invite influencers, experts in your field, your partners, and even your employees to co-host educational events. You can also share success stories of your loyal customers to build social proof.

Read also: 8 types of corporate videos to increase your sales

How to Analyze the Success of IGTV Videos?


On IGTV, it only takes 3 seconds to watch and counts as 1 view. So, even if the number of views is high, it does not mean that the viewers have watched the entire video.

Instead, retention metrics show you how long you’ve held your audience’s attention. Pay special attention to the average view rate. This is the percentage of videos watched across all broadcasts. This gives a more accurate idea of ​​stall time. You will be able to improve the content and duration of your next video!

read also 5 ways to recycle your old blog posts

Instagram is one of the most lucrative social networks with its billions of active users. Let’s add that video is one of the most popular content for internet users and the IGTV tool has everything you need for your marketing strategy. for your scripts!

Need help implementing your IGTV strategy? Post your project on and get quotes from many freelance videos and social media professionals.

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