
How to make software? 10 steps to follow

Whether for our personal or professional life, we spend more and more time on software. On a smartphone or computer, software is a program, which is a series of instructions given to your device (hardware) so that it performs certain actions.

To build your own software, you’ll either have to get your hands dirty, or create a . have to call freelance software developer,

Whatever your motivation for creating software, this article will interest you by presenting 10 essential steps. build your software,

1. Why make software?

Customer relations, orders, invoicing… the day to day management of various functions in a company is a key element that can have a very strong impact on productivity. In order to make optimum use of the time of its employees, a company needs powerful tools.

Even if there is a large number of software, each company has its own requirements and it is sometimes difficult for the “general public” software to respond as closely as possible to each company’s specific needs. This forces companies to use different software, and hence a waste of time, to multiply compatibility concerns, resulting in loss of productivity. Let’s not even mention the cost of the license which can be exorbitant at times! With this in mind, a tailor-made tool can solve many of these problems.

a. most important advantage of custom software is that it responds as closely as possible to all the needs of a company, unlike normal software. This proximity allows you to save precious time and maintain your productivity.

Second advantage: The software should be able to adapt very quickly to changes in your business and your needs. Custom-built software will allow for much greater responsiveness and customisability.

Third advantage: cost. Initially, custom software will cost you more, but if you calculate what many of your consumer software really costs, with all the necessary licenses for your affiliates, you should find your way. Custom software will quickly pay for itself.

2. Think ahead about the type of software you want

First, you have to think about what kind of software you want to develop. Simply put, there are two main types of software: those that allow the development of computer systems and those that allow the development of applications.

The first category brings together all the software and all programming needed to create and ensure the maintenance of the operating system, operation of the network, and data security.

The second category includes all software that is used directly by individuals and businesses. It deals specifically with applications for mobiles, video games, various and miscellaneous software (stock management, messaging, accounting tools, etc.).

There is also another division, with graphics programs on one side and console programs on the other.

Graphics programs are the most common and most used because they constitute a quasi-monopoly under Windows or Mac OS. All these are software with Graphical User Interface (GUI). Console programs are those that have no graphical interface but only lines of computer code.

A useful program is one that will be used to accomplish something that makes life better or easier for people, businesses… Do such programs already exist? Are they repairable? Do they have any flaws? The answers to these questions will allow you to imagine what type of software would be best suited for your needs.

3. Learn to Speak and Write Computer Languages

Anyone can think of software. But from idea to realization, it is fundamental to practice one of the computer developer languages ​​to build it. There are many of them, some very close. See which one you like best!

First created in the 1970s, C is one of the most widely used languages ​​today. He served as a model for his successors but he should not be neglected! It is mainly used to give instructions to your equipment (machine, screen, instrument, central unit, etc.).

Another example, the C++ language. Created in 1983, it is the most widely used language in the world. Continuously improving and enriching, we are now on C++20. Extremely popular, many world-renowned software have been developed thanks to it, such as LibreOffice, Photoshop or Chrome. It is also a reference language for video game programming. It benefits from exceptional maturity and provides both stability and innovation. It is easy to learn and suitable for beginners, but it will take you a long time to master it.

Third example: Java language. Created by Sun Microsystems in 1995, we are on version 18. It represents an evolution of C++. Almost all computers (under any OS) can launch the Java Virtual Machine and therefore read Java programs.

Then we present the C# language developed by Microsoft. It is based on the same syntax we discussed earlier. So it makes sense if you master these languages. Very well integrated with Windows, it will be more than useful if you want to make software that works on Windows.

The language of the C family, Objective-C, also has many similarities with the previous one, but differs from its Apple orientation. If you want to build an app for the App Store, this is the language you’ll need to master.

Finally, the Python language has its ease of learning and its web orientation. It is also a language that is taught in high school.

There are other types of languages, but they are secondary compared to the languages ​​that have just been introduced.

To learn a computer language, it is possible to go back to school, as there are excellent computer programming schools. However, it represents an amount that may be substantial. You can fully train yourself as an autodidact, either “old-fashioned,” that is, with books, or in a more modern way, with one of the many videos already on the Internet.

4. Clearly define the goals of your software.

A sheet of paper can sometimes be useful, even to a computer programmer! List or draw a draft. This document should help you highlight the essential features of your program and the objectives you want to achieve. This will serve as a guideline, but also as a form of protection, especially if you’re calling other people. Templates are everywhere and available on the web.

5. Follow the steps faithfully and proceed step by step

Don’t miss the step! Your software may or may not be complete immediately. So start by creating a simple program, revolving around a few essential functions. You will create a prototype that will serve as the basis for working and to which you will gradually add new functions.

At this point, there is no need to worry about the appearance of your software. A prototype is, by definition, something incomplete. So it is normal that it is not very beautiful from an aesthetic point of view. All this will come in due time. Be patient!

6. Track and fix bugs

You will need to multiply the tests to weed out and track down any bugs that may arise. They can take different forms, but they will need to be fixed. Like any improvisation, you’ll be more effective together, because pairs other than your eyes will certainly see your “baby” from a different angle.

7. Be a Designer (Or Hire One)

Once the foundation and structure are in place, it will be necessary to give your creation a coat of light. Many software will miss their audience because of the “aesthetic” or lack of responsiveness/dynamics. This step is time consuming as you have to be extremely careful. All graphical elements should be tested and retested and then wrapped in the most elegant GUI possible to promote what is known as UX (User Experience). This is really a specific knowledge. But since not everyone can be Johnny Ive, you may need to hire an expert for this step!

8. Introduce your software to the developer community

Once your software is thoroughly upgraded, you can upload it to GitHub (the reference platform for software development) to submit it for analysis by the developer community. Be careful, feedback can be negative but can also help you pass levels, propose solutions to potential problems, etc. It’s a huge community, even more so since the site was acquired by Microsoft in 2018.

9. Protect Your Work

The thoughts that come from your mind are yours. Although software designer, you are considered its author and therefore the owner until 70 years after your death. To avoid any problems if your software is to be stolen, you must be able to prove that you are the author. To do this, nothing could be simpler: you just need to send a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt in which you describe your creation. Keep the envelope sealed: This will prove the date of manufacture of the software to the authorities.

You can also file a request on the website of the Agency for the Protection of Programs (APP), a European organization that handles this type of question.

10. Sell Your Software

Do you want to make your software available to the whole world? Nothing is easy! You can simply create a personal site and sell it yourself. Be sure to include a user manual and a secure payment system for your customers.

Another solution: If it’s an app, you can sell it in an online store like the App Store or Google Play Store.

Our tips for building your software

We hope that we are able to help you software development project, However, the road can be long and difficult! Getting there alone is never easy. It is better to stick with a team with members who each have their own specialty and thus can bring overall added value to your software.

Another solution exists to document your idea: call in an independent software developer who will be able to accompany you from beginning to end of your project. To do so, simply submit your project to the website to receive quotes from freelance developers.

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