
How to learn computer programming?

Learning computer programming can seem intimidating. Already the term “computer programming” is impressive!

For a long time, the profession of programmers was considered that of experts or super talented geeks. However, acquiring skills in this area is now within reach of everyone. Especially since this kind of knowledge offers many opportunities in the job market, whether you are a freelancer or looking for a salaried contract.

Learning computer programming is also useful if you manage a business and want to develop your own digital tools. All you need is willpower, perseverance… and the right resources to access this knowledge. And it all starts with reading this article!

Why learn computer programming?

Programming involves designing and developing applications or software designed for computer use. This process includes many tasks such as analysis, coding and generation of algorithms. Finally, you get a function that will be executed by the computer.

Why add this string to your bow?

to find a job or assignment

Almost every business needs a computer programmer to write, update, modify, and troubleshoot its core tool or application. It is no coincidence that, in 2021, 88% of companies have recruited tech profiles.

If there is one area in which mission or job offers abound, it is computing and technologies.

to disseminate information

Even if you are not working as a coder, learning computer programming can be helpful. Do you work in a research laboratory? You will be able to participate in the development of applications for your company as well as other private and government organizations.

Similarly, a psychologist who knows how to code can create a mobile app to help patients monitor their depression and anxiety symptoms.

To improve business related skills

For a content manager or a web editor, computer programming helps with mastering the HTML language, which is essential for formatting your articles. SEO and SEA experts may also need this skill to conduct more thorough website audits to improve the natural context of their clients.

To sharpen your analytical mind

Ask the developers, they’ll confirm that learning computer programming stimulates the brain’s potential. In addition to knowing the logic behind a coded language (whether Java, JavaScript, HTML or Python), you understand how algorithms work.

Which helps in sharpening your analytical mind, as well as your ability to find logical solutions to your problems. New skills that are very useful for analyzing your current strategies (marketing, financial, commercial, etc.) and continually improving them.

different types of programming languages

A programming language is characterized by a set of instructions written to communicate with a computer or smartphone. Its role is to allow the execution of a specific task through a computer device.

Programming languages ​​are found in all the websites, apps and software you use every day. They are diverse, each with its own characteristics.

Let’s present the most popular languages ​​below:


Python is the first programming language that many beginner coders turn to. The reason is simple: its simplified syntax makes it easy to master.

Python has many support modules and integration with web services. It is used to develop the server side or backend of an application. You can use it to build deep and machine learning tools.


Java is the second popular programming language after Python. More than 3 billion devices run apps built with this type of code. It can also be found on the back-ends of many popular websites such as Google, Amazon, Twitter and YouTube.

This is an excellent introduction to programming. It is one of the most sought after languages ​​by companies of all sizes.


If you want to learn computer programming, JavaScript is the perfect language to make your website or application more interactive. It allows you to code animations (like hover, for example) and games. Rather practical if you use simplification in your marketing strategy (or if you want to present this strategy to your customers).

Being complex to use, it remains intuitive, flexible and easy to master once you understand the basics.



Technically speaking, HTML and CSS are not programming languages. However, if you’re interested in web development, these are the first two pieces of code you’ll need to learn. You can’t create anything on the web without HTML knowledge.

HTML is used to code the content and structure of web pages. CSS defines the style of the page. Since these 2 languages ​​do not involve the “programming” part, they remain easy to master.

C and C++

C remains the oldest programming language. It is the origin of other programming languages ​​such as Java and JavaScript.

C++ is an improved version of the C language. Nowadays, many developers give up learning until later, while others believe that it provides a necessary foundation to master C++. So it is a personal choice, depending on your time… and your objectives.

Indeed, both languages ​​are used for developing applications where performance is an important factor, such as client/server applications, commercial products and video games.

How to learn computer programming?

For a year’s training in computer programming, you will need to spend between 5,000 and 8,000 euros. This type of training is useful if you want to make it your full-time job or establish yourself on major projects such as video game development, for example.

If you’re more interested in mastering the fundamentals, sharpening your analytical mind, or adding a string to your digital freelancing bow, there are free ways to learn to code.

Choose your programming language

We have just introduced various programming languages ​​and their specifications. It is up to you to choose which one suits your needs.

For example, as a beginner, Python is easy to learn. However, if you want to improve your website yourself, you will need to have a thorough mastery of HTML and CSS.

take online courses

There are thousands of online courses that cover all aspects of programming: from basic HTML to data structures to complex algorithms.

Make sure your first lesson introduces the basics of a language, including interactive modules, as well as exercises to guide your learning. It should also be well organized to allow you to assimilate the knowledge in the correct order.

We provide a list of sites for learning to code, a little further down in this article.

watch video tutorial

While online courses are great for gaining practical experience, online videos can complement your learning and satisfy your curiosity.

their advantage? They help you move forward step by step: from setting up an IDE to analyzing source code and defining basic concepts of existing languages.

Note the words common to all languages:

  • data types
  • variable
  • tasks
  • tables or lists
  • if statement
  • loops
  • classes and objects
  • exception handling

create a project

An effective technique for learning computer programming is to start a project. Even if it’s private. The goal is to practice.

If you like video games, try coding a small game similar to Tetris, Pong or Tic Tac Toe. You can even create a website featuring your portfolio or talk about one of your passions (without going through a CMS, of course!).

5 sites to learn to code for free

To help you learn computer programming for free, here are 5 sites that offer free courses.

1. Freecodecamp


freeCodeCamp is a non-profit organization that provides for-profit content and resources for programmers and developers. It provides articles, guides and materials for beginners to practice and master coding skills.

You will be able to practice web development in programming languages ​​such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript. There are many exercises and practice questions that you can work on.

2. Code Academy

code academy

Codecademy offers interactive sessions in 12 different programming languages, including Python, Java, Go, JavaScript, Ruby, SQL, C++, C#, Swift and Sass as well as HTML and CSS markup languages.

It has a platform for learning to code, with a set of actions to take the next step. You can choose the programming language of your choice and work till you get the result you want.

You receive immediate, practical feedback to correct your mistakes and improve your skills rapidly.

3. W3Schools


W3Schools is a training site for learning computer programming for free. It provides tutorials on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSON, PHP, Python, AngularJS, React.js, SQL, Bootstrap, Sass, Node.js, jQuery, XQuery, AJAX, XML, Raspberry Pi, C++, C# and Java .

You also have exercises and lessons that other developers or users can participate in to improve their learning speed.


learn to code

Learn-to-code primarily uses video to deliver computer programming lessons. the gain? The courses are exclusively in French and are delivered in the form of easy-to-understand tutorials. You grow independently fast!

5. Khan Academy

Khan Academy

Khan Academy is also a not-for-profit educational platform that provides video lessons and exercises to help you gain skills in JavaScript, HTML, CSS and SQL. All courses are completely free, so you can easily develop additional skills!

our tip

Choose a learning platform with an engaged community to get your questions answered.

Do you prefer personal training to learn computer programming? Post an Ad on Kodur to find a Web Development Trainer!

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