
Annual Assessment Interview | Best practices and frameworks to follow

The annual appraisal interview is a privileged moment of exchange between the employee and his superiors. This makes it possible to determine a certain number of key elements and indicators to assess performance and define new results and expectations for the coming year. What is the purpose of the Annual Assessment Interview? What are the best practices to be followed during the Annual Assessment Interview? What are the main pitfalls to avoid?

What is the purpose of the Annual Assessment Interview?

Not required by law, yet highly recommended. Some collective agreements or company agreements sometimes make this annual interview mandatory. Often confused with the professional interview which is mandatory and responds to a special formality, the annual assessment interview should not be improvised.

What are the differences between annual assessment interview and professional interview?

Annual assessment interview is different from professional assessment. The annual appraisal interview is similar to a managerial exercise, even though some collective agreements or company agreements make it mandatory.

The professional interview should take place at least every two years from the date of entry into the company. For Annual Assessment Interview, it is recommended once a year.

On the employee side, what is the purpose of the annual appraisal interview?

The annual appraisal interview is like a real ritual for the employee. In fact, it allows him to receive valuable feedback on his work and consider areas of improvement for future missions. In addition, it is during the annual assessment interview that the employee can express his desire for mobility, growth, adjustment of his working hours, etc.

On the part of the employer, what is the purpose of the annual assessment interview?

The annual appraisal interview first allows to validate or adjust the achievement of set objectives and to provide feedback on the work completed. It is also an opportunity to collect grievances, take a pulse of the atmosphere within a team and ensure that motivation and commitment are always maintained.

5 Best Practices During Evaluation Interviews

1 – Define a clear and uniform process for each employee

To ensure that the exchange is constructive, it is necessary for each line manager to follow a standardized approach. In other words, management must define a clear methodology upstream so that results can be the subject of an exploitative report. This is even more necessary to avoid all forms of discrimination or dissent which will then damage the social environment of your company.

2 – Build and prioritize your ratings as categories

To simplify exchanges, we recommend that you define five main categories such as:

  • balance sheet of the previous year;
  • Report on the objectives achieved and the missions achieved;
  • upcoming projects;
  • Overall sentiment over the past year;
  • Finally, the path of improvement should be considered and the lines of work to achieve it.

3 – Specify the objective of each question

The annual assessment interview should above all be a moment of constructive discussion so as to consider the continuation of the working relationship in a peaceful manner. So it is necessary to tell in advance about the purpose of the Annual Assessment Interview and the interest of each question. Each question should be the starting point for an exchange that allows both sides to improve. For the employee, this can be an opportunity to better understand how to achieve his objectives and for his superiors to ensure that the instructions communicated are communicated effectively.

4 – Schedule dedicated time for evaluation

To get the most out of this exchange, we recommend that you set the time that you think is most relevant. Typically, an annual assessment interview lasts approximately 45 minutes to an hour.

5 – Be up to the needs of the person being assessed

During an annual appraisal interview, it may happen that one of your employees needs to tell you about certain difficulties that prevent them from carrying out their mission effectively. Take a listening stance to consider the most suitable solution together.

3 pitfalls to avoid during an evaluation interview

1 – Make the questionnaire too long

The annual assessment interview should lead to factual elements, and should specifically set the course for the coming year. In this sense, it is necessary to think through questions to accurately discuss the content of missions and the skills to be mobilized or acquired so that everyone has the means to carry out the tasks assigned to them.

This is why we recommend that you take care that you do not submit too long questionnaires, which risk turning the annual interview into a boring and fruitless exercise.

Ideally, the questionnaire should not exceed 20 to 25 questions, which will allow you to cover all the required topics.

2 – Ignoring the collaborative approach

The formality of the Annual Assessment Interview is undoubtedly the best way to make it creative and engaging at the same time. However, for the interview to really produce its impact, communication remains central to the involvement of all in a collaborative approach and in the service of performance.

So make sure to take into account the elements brought in by your employees and give them visibility through concrete actions in the field, whether it is a question of evaluating remuneration, improving working conditions, skill management etc.

3 – Do not give feedback to the person rated

The assessment interview report is not intended to remain at the bottom of a drawer. It is perfectly legitimate for your employee to expect a refund from you. While it is not a legal obligation, not responding to the person assessed can damage their motivation, their employee commitment, and generally your employer brand.

Example of a Framework to Follow for an Assessment Interview

To help you prepare for your Annual Assessment Interview, we have created an outline that includes key elements to include in your questionnaire as well as the process to be followed to complete it.

Click on this link to download the Annual Assessment Interview Profile.

questions to ask

Who is related to Annual Assessment Interview?

As soon as an annual assessment interview is established, all employees should be subject to it. Otherwise, the employer may be charged with discriminatory behavior.

What is the purpose of the Annual Assessment Interview?

The annual appraisal interview is a privileged moment of exchange between the employee and his superiors. It is during this interview that everyone can share their expectations, take stock of the objectives set initially, request enhancements or enhancements to skills. Finally, the annual interview sets the course for the coming year.

What is the difference between annual assessment interview and professional interview?

The professional interview is an interview required by law. It should respect a specific formality and be conducted according to a precise timetable, regardless of the size of your workforce or the collective agreement you have. The annual assessment interview is above all a matter of managerial practice and is not required by law.

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