
Addition of auto-entrepreneurial activity | how to proceed ?

Whether it is to grow his activity or combine multiple projects that are close to his heart, the micro-entrepreneur may need to grow his business. And for that, adding an activity to your own business allows you to legally do two activities, or even three or four!

Why and how to add a new activity to your self-employed business? Answer in this article!

Is it possible to combine one or more activities in one’s main self-employed activity?

Sure ! The auto-entrepreneur position is very flexible. If the law does not allow you to own multiple micro-enterprises, it allows auto-entrepreneurs to have many activities. This is ideal for being able to precisely customize your business to the demands of your customers. Thus you can add or remove activities within your micro-enterprise as per your needs.

Be careful though, you can only have one core activity, the one that generates the largest share of your business. The activity or activities added at or after you created your micro-enterprise will be secondary activities. Depending on the growth of your turnover, you may be forced to change your main activity later!

3 Reasons to Add a Self-Employment Activity

There are many reasons to add self-employment activity. In fact, like any business, yours evolves according to the growth of the market, the requests of your customers and your desires. Among the main reasons for carrying out additional activity in a micro-enterprise, it is possible to quote 3 of them:

  • You create a new branch within your company: This may be the creation of a consulting activity, or conversely, a professional activity, while remaining in your current area of ​​practice. Example: You own a restaurant and add a home delivery or cooking class activity.
  • VYou want to do a second activity completely different from the first : If the other is less profitable than your current activity. Example: You are a dance teacher and you want to be a Uber driver too.
  • You “merge” with another micro enterprise: You take over the activity and customers of any other auto-enterprise you just added to yours.

Whatever the motivation of the self-employed entrepreneur to embark on an activity, administrative formalities will need to be completed to bring your business up to date.

Formalities to be completed to add an activity to your micro-enterprise

How to add activity to your micro enterprise? Well, it depends on the nature of your main activity and what you are going to add.

Actually, the formality center depends on whether you do eclectic, commercial or craft activity. However, be aware that all the formalities to add activities can be done online.

if you are self employed

It is thanks to the P2-P4 form that you will be able to add a self-employment activity. However, you should be aware that some CFEs (Centre de Formalités des Entreprises) prefer the use of a P2 CMB. Don’t hesitate to contact them to know their practices.

  • You add a business activity : You fill in the information related to your company, then in box 8 (P2-P4 form) or 17 (P2 CMB) “Associating the secondary activity of XXX with registration in RCS” as well as indicate the date of commencement . action. You send your complete file along with necessary supporting documents to CCI (Chamber of Commerce and Industry).
  • you add a craft activity The formalities are the same. In Box 8 (or 17), you indicate the words “Combining the secondary activity of XXX with the registration in the RM (Register of Trades)”. You then send your file along with supporting documents to the CMA (Chamber of Trades and Crafts).
  • you add an eclectic activity : This time, it is URSSAF that processes your request to add a Self Employed Activity. You complete Forms P2-P4 specifying in Box 8 “Addition of Secondary Activity of XXX on Date XXX”. You send your file to URSSAF by simply attaching a copy of your identification document.

if you are in business

You have to bring the P2 CMB form in which you fill all the information related to your self-employed business. Again, it all depends on the nature of the activity you want to add:

  • You add a business activity : In Box 17, you indicate “Addition of Secondary Activity of 2017” with effective date along with maintenance in RCS (Register of Commerce and Companies). You will then need to send your file to the CCI you rely on along with the requested supporting documents.
  • you add an eclectic activity : In Box 17, you indicate “Addition of secondary activity of XXX” as well as the effective date. You then send your file to URSSF along with the requested supporting documents.
  • you add a craft activity : In box 17, you indicate the date of the start of the activity, indicating “the association of the secondary activity of XXX with the registration in the RM (Répertoire des Métiers)”. You send your file along with the necessary supporting documents to the Chamber of Trades and Crafts (CMA).

If you do any craft activity

You will also need to bring the P2 CMB form. You fill in all the information related to your self-employed business. Again, it all depends on the nature of the activity you want to add:

  • You add a business activity : In Box 17, you indicate “Associating Secondary Activity of XXX with Registration in the RCS (Register of Business and Companies)” as well as the effective date. You will then need to send your file to CCI along with the requested supporting documents.
  • you add a craft activity : Here you may be asked by the Registry to complete Form P2-P4 instead of P2 CMB. Anyway, the boxes are the same. In box 17, you indicate “Associating the secondary activity of XXX with the maintenance on the RM”, as well as the date of the start of the activity. You then send your file along with the required supporting documents to the CMA.
  • you add an eclectic activity : Here, in box 17, you indicate “addition of secondary activity from XXX to XXX”. Your file is to be sent to the Registry or CFE you rely on along with supporting documents.

Documents to be provided for linking self-employment activity

The documents to be provided depend on the nature of the activity that you engage in your self-employed business. Most are available online. Thus, you can download our free model of Non-Employment Certificate or learn how to get Self-Employment Kbis easily.

a mix of generous activities Add Business Activity Add Craft Activity
copy of identity document x x x
non-convict certificate x x
Spouse Information Certificate x
JQPA X (if regulated activity)
Vitel Card Certificate x
KBIS less than 3 months x
Certificate of Follow-up or Exemption from Internship x
proof of address x

Add an Online Self-Employment Activity

To save time and limit the risk of error or file loss, you can add an activity to your self-employed online business. To do this, simply log on to or in your personal space at the trading counter. In the “Edit your business” tab, you can choose to add an online activity. This gives you direct access to the correct form, usually pre-filled. All you have to do is check the information and fill in the information related to your new activity, then attach your electronic supporting documents.

Results of adding an activity for a self-employed person

Adding an activity to your own business necessarily results in multiple points. Thus, you have to be attentive to the turnover, VAT, your contribution and your taxation limit.

Turnover and VAT ceiling

As you know, the status of the auto-entrepreneur imposes compliance with the turnover and VAT ceiling in order to benefit from its various benefits. However, adding an activity to a self-employed person may change these limits. Thus, you must respect the boundaries for each of your activities. As a reminder, these are:

  • for commercial activities: €176,200 for turnover and €85,800 for VAT exemption;
  • For crafts and eclectic activities: €72,600 for turnover and €34,400 for VAT exemption.

Social Security Contribution and Vocational Training Contribution

Here too, their rates vary depending on the nature of your activity. Thus, adding an activity to your self-employed business can increase or decrease your contribution and CFP. So you have to “juggle” between the rates of your various activities:

  • 12.8% for commercial and housing activities;
  • 22% for crafts, eclectic activities (excluding CIPAV) and commercial service provision;
  • 22.2% for self-employment activities associated with CIPAV.

The vocational training contribution amount is as follows:

  • 0.1% for commercial activities;
  • 0.2% for self-employment and service-providing activities;
  • 0.3% for craft activities.


Although the auto-entrepreneur benefits from a reduction in accounting obligations, be aware that if you perform two (or more) activities within your company, you will need to keep accounts by activity. This means 2 different series of invoices, their own numbering and a dedicated revenue and expense book for each activity. On the other hand, you can cash everything in a single account.

to tax

When you choose to add a self-employment activity, it can have consequences for your taxation. In fact, the nature of your activity here too has a direct impact on your flat-rate tax allowance. This amount is:

  • 34% for BNC category;
  • 50% for BIC service provision activities;
  • 71% for commercial activities in the BIC category.

The rate of discharge payment also depends on the nature of your activity and the following amounts:

  • 1% for sales, catering and accommodation activities;
  • 1.7% for craft activities and commercial service provision;
  • 2.2% for generous activities.

Before adding a self-employment activity, take the time to carefully study the consequences of your choice, so as not to find yourself in a tax adverse situation!

How much does it cost to add a self-employment activity?

Again, it depends on the nature of your main activity and your new activity. Thus, associating an auto-entrepreneur activity online or on paper with the registry is completely free of charge as it is a simple declaration. This is one of the benefits of self-employment!

On the other hand, be aware that when you choose to stick with the services of some CFE or legal tech, other costs may add up, especially if you delegate the formalities to them.

questions to ask

Can I have 2 APE codes?

No. The APE code specifies your main activity. Regardless of the type of Self-Entrepreneurial Activity, this will become your secondary activity and will not give you access to other APE codes. The APE code will change only when the additional activity becomes your main activity.

How to Add Self Employed Activity Easily?

All you have to do is add a self-employment activity online to your space.

Is it possible to combine multiple self-employment activities?

Sure ! You can add an activity to your self-employed business in just a few clicks. You then need to define your main activity (the one that generates the largest turnover) and your secondary activity(s).

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