
Important SEO Techniques

Various tools are constantly growing to get the most out of your SEO and social networks are increasingly appearing on the Internet as a simple and inexpensive solution to maximizing your SEO.

SMO (Social Media Optimization or Social Media Optimization) involves putting online content optimized for SEO on various social media. Until recently, a company had to focus only on its SEO (the natural context on the major search engines) to have good visibility on the net. Today, a company profile on a social network is sometimes more profitable in terms of SEO than a company website! Can the trend reverse?

Reasons to use SMO?

They are numerous and form part of the basic principles of communication.

Get in touch with prospects, further develop your e-reputation, spur the interest of your community to share your information with others, highlight your web content, get backlinks (incoming links, incoming links, external links) or back link, back are hypertext links that direct an Internet user from one website to another). But above all, develop your web referencing.

But with rigor and therefore to establish a program!

You will need to take action on your website (share button, link, etc.), but also on social networks (communication with your community, content curation, etc.).

To optimize your SMO strategy, 5 essential actions:

  1. create shareable content
  2. Encourage sharing on social networks (share button, etc.)
  3. Promote the sharing of your content on various media (SlideShare, YouTube, etc.).
  4. Become a Accredited Expert
  5. Communicate constantly with your community

SMO is gaining momentum

The importance of SMO is not negligible in recent years and the many viral advertising campaigns launched on the web have proved it. However, it is necessary to clearly distinguish between the two approaches. SMO is essentially based on the goodwill of the customer. If the latter is won over by the Company’s commercial operations, it will automatically “share” or “share”, “like” or “retweet” the campaign on various social networks.

Furthermore, search engines use social networks not as offering simple links to web pages but as a source of analysis and detection. Hence SMO itself has become a benchmark of relevance.

SMO does not replace SEO

However, this new concept does not replace SEO, it complements it! If SEO means optimizing your position on Google, then SMO means optimizing your visibility on media and above all, on social networks. It’s really important to separate SEO and SMO: being very visible on social networks doesn’t necessarily mean being well-referenced on Google, and vice versa. Hence it can be said that SEO and SMO complement each other but do not overlap.

Facebook and Twitter are therefore good traffic routers but remain poor source sites in terms of Direct SEO as most of the content is restricted. However, more and more users are registered on these social networks and hence have access to these platforms without going through traditional search engines. Is a(r) development going on?

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