
6 Tips to Improve Your Website’s ROI

The average conversion rate of a website is 2.35%. But the rate for the top 10% of companies is 3 to 5 times this figure.

Your website is the cornerstone of your online presence and one of the first channels of contact with your prospects. It perfectly suits your marketing strategy and plays a major role in lead acquisition.

How to get results from the biggest companies by improving the ROI of your website? Discover 6 Good Practices to Adopt Now!

Why Calculate ROI?

Before talking about good practices, it is essential to know the usefulness of ROI calculation!

Website ROI Refers to the profit brought by the investment of a professional website over a given period of time. Thus it makes it possible to assess the turnover generated by the site. Also, ROI can be used to determine the reimbursement time of initial expenses in relation to the gross income of the activity.

Hence it is a financial indicator that will be used to know the loss or profit arising from each expenditure dedicated to your projects related to the website, and that is why the calculation of ROI is more than important. For each activity, in fact, you should analyze the return on investment made, in order to compare the results with the objectives. But at the same time, you will be able to determine the most profitable project among several professional sites.

to calculate Website ROIYou can use the following formula = [(Gain d’investissement – coût d’investissement) / coût de l’investissement] x 100. You will get an accurate result, expressed as a percentage.

It is important to know that the outcome of a digital strategy can change quickly, and therefore ideally it would be ideal to measure your web marketing actions systematically.

How to measure the return on investment of your site?

Before building your website, the first thing to do is to set a goal!

If this is a “showcase” site, the effectiveness of the activity will be measured in relation to the number of visits to your page. It will also be necessary to evaluate the time the visitor stays on the site.

On the other hand, for a merchant site, the ROI calculation revolves around the number of quote requests and sales made. You can also estimate the conversion rate in relation to the number of people initially contacted and the number of customers received. About 4% of visitors conclude BtoB contracts, but the number of visits that expire in purchases for BtoC should be taken into account.

In addition, it will also be necessary to estimate the estimated turnover of the site. It specifically deals with expenses related to marketing functions, such as SEO, content writing, maintenance, updates, hosting, etc.

Executing competitive intelligence is also important! It involves analyzing the business strategies adopted by competing companies, and you can draw inspiration from them according to the objectives to be achieved.

For the last point, evaluating the ROI of a site means not only calculating the money earned, but also taking into account factual elements such as concern for brand image etc.

Tools to install to measure your site’s ROI

In addition to the above mathematical formula, some tools can also testify to your site’s performance.


Call tracking or follow-up of incoming calls by a phone number listed on your site is a great way to assess subsequent profitability. You can also directly ask the caller how they came to know about the business number. If she answers that it is through the site, then you can already conclude that the latter is in effect. On the other hand, if it is not, then change the professional number on the site to be able to identify the visits of Internet users.

Contact person

A form can help you measure your eligible contacts! When a large number of Internet users have visited the site but received little returns, the form may be too complicated for them. So changes must be made, especially in mandatory fields, shortcuts, etc. It is also essential to check e-mails that may come across as spam. For another possibility, your offer may not meet demand, and therefore you will have to bring in new approaches to optimize the profitability of the site.

PDF opening and file download

The number of times your PDF opens can be measured through clicks (detailed prices, brochures, etc.) In this way, you can easily know the PDF with the most interest. It is also possible for you to measure the number of clicks of Internet users on advertising options, but these means do not allow you to gain contacts.

On the other hand, downloading makes it possible to get the contact details of the visitors.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a tool with “benchmarking” functionality. This includes studying your competitors when your site was put online. Thus you will be able to make comparisons on the functions and performance of companies in the same field of activity.

Our tips for improving your site’s ROI

1. Measure Your Current Conversion Funnel

Before you start improving your ROI, make sure you understand in detail what a user journey looks like on your website. The goal is to assess where visitors hesitate or leave your pages. You will also see the top performing touchpoints.

The purpose of this audit is to understand and optimize your sales funnel. What are the steps taken by the visitors? How do you lead them to conversion? where do you lose them? By knowing the answers, you know where to focus your efforts to increase ROI.

Use Google Analytics to track your conversion rates, as well as tools to visualize your visitors’ screens.

read also : Eliminate Third-Party Cookies: Build and Customize

2. Add Videos to Your Key Landing Pages

Video on landing page helps to increase your conversion rate by up to 86%. It helps visitors absorb information faster than text. Its purpose is to support your argument to encourage action.

To do this, your video should be kept short (between 30 and 60 seconds) and contain its main message from the beginning of the content. Take care to choose a unique thumbnail and avoid self-reading which may annoy some visitors.

3. Write Comparison Articles

Comparison is content that identifies significant differences between two or more products/brands. To make it, you must:

  • Choose competing products or services.
  • Provide information about each product or service.
  • Include facts and graphics with the text.
  • Describe the unique features of each product or service.

Comparison articles are popular with middle funnel consumers. They want to buy a product or service, but they can’t decide which offer to choose. So the idea is to help them choose the option that best suits their needs.

You can compare your products and services, but also competitive offers. In the latter case, always be factual and avoid demeaning your competitors. Focus especially on the points where you are better.

4. Focus on Personalization

Thanks to cookies, you can personalize the experience so that it is unique. For example, returning customers may receive a personalized greeting or notification after logging in. The idea is to provide them with targeted recommendations to increase your sales.

You can also customize the resolutions while browsing. A visitor looking at a specific product may be presented with similar or complementary items. The goal is to show him that you have everything he needs to meet his needs.

Thus, he does not need to visit multiple e-commerce sites or sites to find what he is looking for. This increases your chances of conversion!

Also read: ROAS: How To Calculate And Increase?

5. Exchange ads with another site

If your regular visitors aren’t bringing in enough income for you, it’s time to find potential customers elsewhere.

To get started, find a similar site in your niche. It is important that it complements your offer, but is not competitive. The products or services offered must be part of your industry without any risk.

Example: If you’re teaching your goals how to grow houseplants, you might swap ads from a nursery selling site.

Ask these sites and blogs to put up banners that link to their pages. You can do this against the exchange of procedures or against the remuneration. In both cases, this will allow you to attract qualified traffic to your website.

Who else says qualified traffic has better ROI!

6. Turn Your Best Content Into White Papers

Turn your best content into a white paper

Depending on your activity, prospects will have to visit your website several times before they can buy. Especially if your offers are complicated or expensive.

Conversion takes place over the medium or long term. So how do you stay on their mind? Find a set of blog posts that cover a similar topic and compile it into a white paper. Offer your visitors to download it in exchange for their email address. You can then create targeted campaigns to support these prospects in their purchase, stay on their mind, and convert them into customers!

Our tips to improve your website’s ROI

As mentioned above, in addition to techniques to improve your ROI, our trick to increasing your site’s profitability is SEO referral! It’s a real weapon of war, and in fact, the more optimized a site is, the more it will appear among the first choices in Google’s search engines. If the number of visitors is likely to increase, there is a good chance of boosting your sales.

This is the reason why SEO strategy should always be right. However, you have to be patient, as the result may not be immediate. The main thing will be that all the assessments are done in the long run and in the short run.

Know that you don’t have to do everything yourself! For example, assign freelance writers to write white papers and comparison articles, graphic designers to produce videos, etc. You can easily find these professionals on Post your project for free and get quotes from relevant experts. few minutes!

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