
Why join the Leaders Network?

Breaking out of leader isolation and making multiple encounters that can open up business opportunities: Here are just a few of the many benefits that are reaped by leaders who often choose to network with leaders.

In France, 97% of companies are SMEs. They play a decisive economic and social role for our country. They have created 82% of the jobs in the last 20 years and thus play an absolutely central role in the country’s economy. However, they are struggling to grow and remain the most vulnerable in an uncertain economic environment. Analyzing in more detail the weaknesses of small structures, we quickly realize that the first obstacle to the development of small businesses lies in their isolation (financial and relational). So why not bet on networking and pooling as a real source of profit? Together we are always stronger!

time to win

Integrating a network of SME managers helps its actors save time. The network is a great source of information about the market, competition and developments in business. So many shares that save valuable time and help the manager grow in his role. Networking can also be a source for finding outsourcing solutions. Outsourcing allows managers to re-focus on their core business, which is a valuable advantage when you know (too) many aspects of a business manager’s job.

Get more visible and grow your business

Joining a network also means making sure your company is known. Beyond the exchange of experiences, there are important benefits for a company belonging to a network, to find new customers in a very favorable context, as partners for the development of a project, or even buyers to sell. Collaborating with other companies also makes it possible to reach a significant size, to be able to apply for global calls for tenders and to be more competitive for innovation and exports.

feel strong

Joining a network also means feeling less alone, gaining mental energy, motivating and motivating yourself by the presence of other participants. In times of crisis, when a drop in order books is felt, joining a network is also a way to establish relationships with other leaders to find solutions to personal problems. Belonging to a network allows the entrepreneur to break out of the leader’s well-known loneliness that is so detrimental to the mind of the entrepreneur. This allows both to meet people, share experiences – often similar – but also to increase business opportunities.

By grouping together in a network, leaders are strengthened, part of a positive dynamic and provide their company with more potential for growth than if they were isolated. Being part of a club allows the entrepreneur to establish the dynamics of launching collaborative projects with other leaders for their company. The form of the meetings can vary (workshops, conferences, informal networking evenings, etc.) but the result is always the same: the club provides managers and their company with an openness that represents a real engine for growth !

Have heard

In a context where the rules of the game are constantly changing for companies, it is important and even vital for SMEs to be heard. Belonging to a large and dynamic network is the way to make your voice heard in order to weigh in on “authentic” decisions that affect the ecosystem of our companies and that may harm rather than favor them.

better recruitment

In recent years, we’ve seen a mode of recruiting emerge from professional networks such as time-sharing. In fact, in VSE-SMEs, some skills are required only occasionally, but which do not require permanent employment. This lack of skills can sometimes severely penalize these companies. By coming together to network groups of leaders or recruiters, these companies will be able to recruit profiles according to their specific needs. An efficient way to grow or retain jobs while maintaining both employee safety and flexibility for employers.

save money

Pooling, which is offered in some networks, makes it possible to make savings which may take the form of access rates for key accounts or offering goods and services at a shared cost (surveillance, international, quality assurance, etc.). Reduction in investment cost in case) or hiring of employees, gathering outsourced skills and knowledge etc.). A great way to save money!

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