
3 Tips for Becoming an Independent Consultant in 2021!

The desire for independence and the willingness to advise clients on specific issues are two of the major reasons that drive hundreds of professionals every year to start an independent advisory activity. If the prospects of independence and tangible impact with clients are particularly appealing, then starting an independent consulting activity requires a real act of reflection and maturity of your project. Adventure fascinates you? We uncover everything for you!

Why become an independent consultant?

A consultant is a professional who works with a variety of clients to thank for their expertise. Its role is to study the company, its mode of operation, the market in which it operates… in order to propose a strategic solution suited to the need or problem encountered.

Many consulting firms exist, with varying degrees of reputation and expertise. Although consulting is an activity that can be done quite a bit as an independent, we speak of independent consultants.

There are many benefits to being a self-employed consultant. Mentors who have taken the plunge especially appreciate:

  • Freedom in the choice of mission and customers;
  • Possibility to organize your time as desired;
  • To promote useful and effective work.

It goes without saying that these advantages come with challenges. It’s important to keep them in mind before starting your own business. One can especially think of the fact that independent consultants are not salaried, and are paid for each mission as a result. It is therefore essential to have solid prospecting and negotiation skills to bridge the gap of financial security.

You must also have or develop transversal skills, which are useful for the sustainability of your business: accounting, communication, human resources …

What are the prerequisites to become an independent consultant?

There are no prerequisites to become an independent consultant. There is no rule or order governing this profession.

Although there is no compulsory diploma, the experiences you have during your studies or during your professional life give you a certain specialization which will be different. Consultants usually have followed training in management, engineering, human resources, business strategy etc.

Beyond these skills, a good independent consultant must possess ethical and human qualities. The qualities of listening, diplomacy, credibility and professionalism are essential when looking for prospects and interacting with clients.

What are the legal steps to become an independent consultant?

To start your activity as an independent consultant, it is necessary to study and select the legal position most relevant to you.

Thanks to the many benefits of the position, becoming self-employed or a micro-entrepreneur is especially recommended if you want to test your offer. Administrative procedures are light, a simple declaration of your activity, along with registering your company, suffices. Contributions and taxes are calculated in proportion to your results.


Be careful though, the business of a micro enterprise is limited, which can hinder the growth of your business.

All these benefits make the micro-entrepreneur status legal form which is most appreciated by consultants working on their own account.

EIRL status is also an option: Personal assets can be protected with professional loans. The accounting and administrative constraints are also higher as compared to micro enterprises.

Another possibility offered to independent consultants is to use a portage company. You become an employee of this company, but you can carry out your activity as you like. The company’s role is to manage accounts and various administrative tasks related to your business. You have the same rights as a traditional company employee: paid vacation, unemployment contributions, affiliation to the general Social Security plan… This is the umbrella company that collects payments from your customers, and which deducts commissions and other management fees. The latter pays you an amount as salary.

3 Tips for Success as an Independent Consultant

1 – Choose your area of ​​expertise

Before embarking on the great adventure of becoming an independent consultant, you need to define your area of ​​expertise. To do this, you can start by reviewing your professional experiences, or the knowledge you have acquired during your studies.

Knowing your talents and areas of expertise is an important initial step as it allows you to identify the additional value you will bring to your clients. Don’t hesitate to ask your relatives and also your professional team to help you with this task, which will be very valuable to you in future.

There are many areas in which independent consultants can work with companies of all sizes. Some common problems faced by clients of freelance consultants include, for example:

  • How to improve your internal organization?
  • How to increase your profit?
  • What position should be adopted in the face of a specific target customer?
  • How to take advantage of legislative rules?

In general, defining your area of ​​expertise allows you to take a clear and relevant position.

2 – Prepare a market study and a business plan

Market research allows you to better understand the market you are targeting. Would you like to work for large groups, SMEs, start-ups or even local authorities? Looking at what is already in the market will allow you to understand it better and refine your project.

Studying the service offerings of various consulting firms and other consultants as well as their prices will help you establish yourself.

You can complete this research with a business plan, which will allow you to project your activity and your business for years to come. This file allows you to present your project and the market in which you operate, the means at your disposal as well as your projected finances.

3 – Contact your future customers

Promotion prospects are important for an independent consultant: without clients, no income! To find new clients, don’t hesitate to communicate within your personal and professional network. Professional social networks like LinkedIn are also highly recommended for this type of communication.

good to know

If you choose to work in a co-working space, take the opportunity to network! This type of location allows you to meet very different project leaders who potentially need you.

Finally, you can target events that are relevant to your business: Specialist trade shows, for example, are a goldmine in terms of promotion. Stock up on business cards and go for it!

To save time on monitoring and managing your prospects and customers, you should consider billing software or even free CRM software!

What are the Other Responsibilities as an Independent Consultant?

There is no relationship of subordination between an independent consultant and its clients. However, the contracts that bind them must mention certain obligations. For example, the consultant has a duty of advice, training and loyalty towards his client. In general, he is bound by the obligation of means, which means that he does everything possible to fulfill the mission assigned to him. Some contracts may also include confidentiality obligations, or even a non-compete clause.

general question

How Much Salary for an Independent Consultant?

There is no fixed salary for an independent consultant. It depends on the number of assignments you get, your area of ​​expertise and the rates you charge.

Can you become a consultant without a diploma?

There is no mandatory diploma before starting a freelance consultant. However, your success will depend, among other things, on your training and your previous professional experiences.

How to Find Clients as an Independent Consultant?

Networking is the key! Communicating on appropriate social networks, calling personal and professional networks, networking during targeted events… Don’t be afraid to get in touch and be proactive in finding new customers.

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